Chapter 17, #nomorebullying

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This is just a filler chapter! Don't expect much! Sorry for my recent long-term leave, I've been a busy, busy bee! Again, I am terribly sorry! Love yous!!!! -levenlover-


I wake in the middle of the night to knocking, on the front door. To think, someday the middle of the night wake-up call will be crying, not knocking. I get up only to find Hiccup beat me to it. We walk out to the front door, to only (again) find Hunter at the door prepared to open it. When she does, she seems confused, so I take a look for myself. Guess who it was. No one!

She looked a little confused, so did Hiccup."I'm going to bed. What a useless reason to wake up."She grumbles. She limped lightly back to her room full of unopened boxes and bags.

I follow her lead and head back to bed, to my beloved Hiccup.

*****Le time skip*****

As I walk out of our room, I feel a pair of eyes on my, many pairs."Spider!!!!!"I hear from across the hall, from Hunter and Megan. One of them goes and gets an old magazine, the other grabs it and smashes it against the spider.


"Who ar....."I hear Hiccup say."MOM!!!????"He shouts. Hunter runs to the door. I exchange looks with Megan, both her and I, got way confused. She comes running back crying, he comes back dazed with what look's like his mother in tow. This was one crazy night.

Hey guys! I just thought you should know that I going to be posting a few more stories. One of the is titled Elemental Magic Witchery High, (ha, nah) the other is a surprise but I'll tell you when I actually have a cover for it. And you're probably wondeing about the #nomorebullying thing in the title of this chapter, well I entered the nomorebullying contest! Only 10% of people being bullied on social media sites, just like this one, except the fact that they shouldn't just ignore the problem, that they should give themselves a fighting chance, metaphorically speaking.Come join the 10% with me at the nomorebullying profile! Love yous! -levenlover-

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