Chapter 18

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8 years later

Astrid and Hiccup take their seats as Hunter finds her way to them. They were at Copper Creek, Natalie's (Hicc and Astrid's daughter) school. She was up first for the talent show, and she was extremely excited. She wasn't scared, being the charismatic, hyper, ball of joy she was. Her and her brother, Anthony, were performing a new trick they thought was talent show worthy.

Unlike his sister, he barely had any charisma. He was just there to demonstrate the mini-trampoline trick, she was singing. But he couldn't shake the feeling of butterflies in his stomach.

Astrid, Hiccup, and Hunter wait patiently in the audience for the young ones to come out."I hope Anthony's stage-fright doesn't stop him from performing."Astrid says."Yeah, that would be horrible."Hunter replies.

'First to take the stage will be Natalie and Anthony Haddock, performing a stunt and singing act.'The announcer booms. Natalie takes center stage while her brother goes to the trampoline to the left. Natalie starts singing and the music starts playing, but Anthony is as frozen as a statue. He finds his families faces in the crowd. Just keep your eyes on them. He said that to himself and finally did something. He........

Coming soon to Wattpad. Sorry this took ages to get out. I've been having the absolute worst case of writers-block... EVER!!!!!!! I cannot think! And it's not just my A.D.D. Any who, the part you've all been waiting a long time for.............. The Interview!!!! And today's interviewees aaaaaaarrrrrrreeeeeee........... Astrid and Hiccup!!!!
( Crowd goes frantic with fangirling-attacks)

Astrid= A
Hiccup= H
Me= Me

A: Hi!

H: Hi.

Me: Hey! So how have you two been doing with two crazy but adorable little ones running around?

A: You know, busy. Stressed. But grateful for such wonderful children.

H: Um.... What she said.

Me: Oh, Hiccup. Lazy, lazy, lazy!

H: I actually do exercise!

Me: Jeez, can't you take a joke!

H: Can't you?!

Me: Clever.

H: I'm known for it.

Me: So am I.

A: Yeah, I'm glad you didn't do any pranks on me together.

Me: I was too busy taking care of the dragons! Which I still do. Anyways. Thanks for reading this story and for all the support I got from all of you! You're all amazing and I'd be nothing without you. Thanks again. For the last time for this story, love yous! -levenlover-

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