Hiccstrid gone modern

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(Note from the future...

This story isn't all that great in my opinion. I wrote it when I was in 7th grade and had no idea what story structuring was, so please bare that in mind as you read, as you're reading a relic from my youthful, naïve, cringe era.

Thank you and Good Night from the edge lord THATDAMNMAGICALCAT)

(Note from farther in the future: WOW I blamed all my problems on age lol)

Hey guys!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! I've finally made a modern Hiccstrid story! Anyway, read the description to know what this is about, prologues are to boring. They do have dragons ('cause who could forget them)but they're really small. Here we go guys, enjoy!! Love yous! -leven-

Astrid POV

I heard my alarm go off, I hit the snooze button and went back to sleep. Next thing you know, my uncle's carrying me to the dinning room in my underwear."Seriously, I'm not even dressed yet!"I yelled at him and stomped back to my room. Stormfly, my deadly natter, was bouncing on the bed.

I got dressed and ready thinking 'why am I up? I thought high school graduation meant sleeping in until you get into college'.

I went outside to get the mail, seeing only one large packet. I went back into the apartment and squealed my girliest squeal, amazed by what I was looking at."What happened, are you ok?"uncle asked."I'm perfect! My life couldn't get better right now."I held up the packet. He grabbed it and opened it on the kitchen counter with a butter knife. Sometimes I really don't understand my uncle. He handed me the opened packet and I pulled out the content. I stared.

"I got into the U of A! I'm going to college on a scholarship! EEEEEEEEEE!"we hugged till our neighbor came to the door asking if everything was alright. I went to my room and packet my belongings and Stormfly's with astonishing speed. With the scholarship and acceptance letter, they sent one plane ticket and car keys. I looked outside finding my uncle's old rust bucket. I said my goodbyes and we set off to the airport for Tucson Arizona. I was so excited for this, so was adorable little Stormfly, the cutest dragon in the world!

Hiccup POV

I woke up to my nightfury Toothless bouncing on me with a letter in his mouth."Toothless bud, what'cha got there?"He dropped the letter on my lap. I opened it and nearly fainted."Dad! Come hear, your going to want to look at this!"I yelled. Toothless walked back to my bed just as dad walk in. I held up the letter and he took it."Congratulations Hiccup! You're going to the U of A on a scholarship!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed"The strange thing is, your cousin Snotlout got in, too. By bribe of course, but Spitlout won't admit to it."He soon drifted to his usual mayor duties so I packed and got in my car, Toothless in the back bouncing on his little pet bed."Ready bud? We're going to college!"I told him.

Watching the little black dragon hop up to the passenger seat, I laughed. With that we were off to Tucson, Arizona. Off to our future.

(Future Author! Adding things! Lol. I was so cynical about this story for a good while there, but cringe is dead now, so I can go back to enjoying the one thing I made that I know made people happy. Everyone reading this, future and past, Thank You. You're the reason I continued to pursue writing, and you're the catalyst for me being the writer I am today. Sincerely, thank you! 61k hot dayum!
P.s. some a/n commentary to come lol)

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