Chapter eight

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Hey guys! Shout out to @Sweet_08 who suggested today's interviewee! I'm doing a huge time skip for this chapter 'cause I really don't want to have to write four years in a couple chapters. So Hiccstrid is now for real at the U of A, Fishlegs and Ruff are dating, I have a cute boyfriend and a couple of really nice friends my age, and the rest of the gang is still single, and yes Hicc And I are still really close! I really wanted to be sixteen in this chapter so I am now. It's been four years so Hicc might have something else in mind instead of just the bf-gf thing! Beware the feels and stuff! Love yous! -levenlover- Ps, I do have a tendency to curse.

Just a sidenote, all of the stuff I wrote about me was entirely wishful thinking, and I am now, passed the age of 16, a proud ace, band geek, nerd girl who never leaves the house.

Hunter's POV( Sorry, I had to!)

I waited outside my school, CDO, for Hicc to come and get me. My car had been towed by some newb idiot. And apparently you can't have a dragon with you at school! Who in the hell thought up that one! I stood there waiting, glad dad wasn't here to chastise me. I didn't know I couldn't have one of the only two Nightfuries still in existence on a high school campus, can't blame me for that! At least I wasn't alone, my boyfriend Aidan and my friends Megan and Ireland were with me. Yes I have a Nightfury, her name was Calie. Aidan brought his Natter, Phylix, Megan brought her Scholdron, Bubbles. Ireland had her Monstrous Nightmare, Carlos."Hunter, you got something right there."Aidan said doing the pretend stain thing. I rolled my eyes and he pulled me closer for a kiss. Just as we broke apart Hiccup yelled,"Hey love birds! Get in!"

I smirked getting into the passenger seat."So, we heading to your house?"Megan asked."No I have to stop by the mall first, then we're headed to our place."Hiccup answered."Good thing I brought my wallet today!"Aidan said. I rolled my eyes again"You always bring your wallet dorkwod!"I said sarcastically. We headed off to the mall, I was going to get some cute new boots.

Hiccup POV

I walked into the mall with Hunter, her friends, and her boyfriend. I'd bet she was glad dad wasn't here to make them break up, I'd hate to see her how unhappy she would be without him. I walked over to the jewelry store, I saved six hundred dollars for a surprise for Astrid. I was being followed by Aidan, Hunter's boyfriend, and saw him with what looked like a one hundred dollar bill. That wouldn't get him a ring (thank the Gods) but he was probably just getting a necklace.

My hunch was correct, after I bought my little surprise for my girlfriend he bought a nice necklace with an emerald pendant. She would love it! I made sure to mention that and he smiled, I guessed glad he had my approval. I wouldn't let him in my car if I didn't like him!

We made it over to the girls next to my car, all in a new pair of Sun glasses high-heeled boots. She need the extra height, she loved it. "Hunter, more high heels?"Aidan asked annoyed. She rolled her eyes. "Yes!" She replied curtly. He sighed and gave her the little box, Megan and Ireland leaning closer to get a better look. The other girls Awwwed and Hunter hugged him, asking if he could help her put it on. Well played little sis, well played. I remembered my gift, hoping Astrid would have a similar reaction. I couldn't wait to see her reaction. After four years of dating, I was finally making a bigger step then I was ready to take.

We got to the house, the four went to Hunter's room, I went to mine and Astrid's. She was on the bed reading a large book taking notes. I took the book and her pencil, I saw what her notes said 'Final finals' I set the paper on the book that was now on the night stand."Astrid, we've been together for years now and I was just wondering,"I started and pulled the box with the ring in it "Would you marry me?"I asked. She started to tear up as I opened the box, she nodded dramatically. She hugged me, gave me tons of little kisses and one big one on the lips. I slid the ring on her slender finger, glad I knew her ring size. Astrid said yes! She was going to marry me! YES!!!!!

Hey guys! I'd bet that chapter gave you guys the worst feels ever! I, again, got them just writing it. Anyway, to the part you guys seem to like! Today's interviewee is, suggested the fabulous @Sweety_08 don't forget to check her out, today's guest iiisss...... Fishlegs! 'Crowd cheers'

Me: Hey Fishlegs! How have you been lately?

Fishlegs: Pretty good, I'm stressing over finals

Me: Don't worry you'll do fine, you're one of the two smart guys in the dorm! Keep in mind I'm not a guy

Fishlegs: Thanks!

Me: So how are you and Ruff

Fishlegs: Great! I think I got her to mellow out a bit!

Me: You have done the impossible. How to you feel about an engagement, not between you and Ruff, between Hicc and Astrid?

Fishlegs: I feel really happy for them! I'm glad they're happy and are taking things a step farther

Me: Excellent! Thank you for joining me here Fishlegs, and to all my fab readers, thanks for reading, comment the usual stuff, vote, follow if you haven't! Love yous! -levenlover-

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