Chapter fourteen

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Hey guys!!!! Guess what I joined last Wednesday!!! My schools Jazz band!! I'm now a jazz instrumentalists!! Anyways... enjoy this chapter!! Love yous! -levenlover-

Lol, I thought I was busy then. I had no clue what being an actual high school senior would be like.

Astrid POV

I looked out the window, dreading what came today. I needed some sort of support, thankfully my two soon-to-be family members volunteered for the job. I had just received a text from Hunter saying 'Code Red! Code Red!!!' I didn't know what to think. I an extra pair of her jeans just in case."Hiccup! I'm going to Hunter's school to drop off spare pants! Be back in a few!"I yelled."K, be careful!"He yelled back. I headed to her school.

I got to the office of the school, seeing Hunter in her P.E. uniform."Hi! Are Mrs. Haddock?"Asked the receptionist."No. Not yet anyway"I informed her. She nods as she looks at something on her computer."You must Ms. Hofferson."I nod."Are you here for the young lady who might as well be the nurse's assistance?"I look at Hunter again and think of all the times she's call Hiccup or me."Yes, yes I am."

Lol, not anymore, the school nurse is scary af.

I walk over to the sixteen year old."Hey Astrid."She said sheepishly."What happened now?"

"Umm.. I was running in gym when Alena tripped me and made me sprain my ankle, they just need a parent or in my case, legal guardian to sign off on and take me to get x-rays to make sure it's only sprained."She explained."The only thing I got out of this was an injury and to see my worst nightmare get kicked out of volley ball and get long-term detention!"I rolled my eyes.

The nurse gave her crutches and we walked out to my car."You're lucky I only have to pick up Hiccup after this, and we'll have to go to the same place."I told her."I know, but it's not even my clumsiness to blame! Alena is evil and has been out to get me since the day I walked into the same class as her in sixth grade!!!!"She exclaimed. She was always exaggerating now-a-days.

We pulled into the drive way, Hiccup waiting by the door. He smiled"Hey Astrid!"He said kissing me as he got in the car."Hi Hunter, what happened to just needing spare pants?"He asked."That little b Alena tripped me and sprained my ankle!"She practically yelled."What happened to your hair? Did it explode? Wait, that's how it always looks!"She said with much sarcasm."Touché."He replied.

We drove off toward the doctors office where I had my appointment. I was glad I already got my last final back with a high passing, which meant I could graduate. Hiccup took his today, he'd hopefully get it back tomorrow so we know for sure he'd graduate. The grad ceremony was in three days."Okay okay, how 'bout you Astrid?"He asked."Huh, sorry I guess I was just really focused on driving!"I chastised them."Oh, what do you think Minecraft is really about? Surviving, with killing the Ender dragon, who's an evil, killer, untameable dragon, or, Killing the Ender dragon and surviving just a bonus?"She asked. I had a feeling she chose the first option, Hiccup chose the second."Don't know and don't care at the moment."I lied. I had never played Minecraft but have always been wanting to find time to.

No, I don't know where the Minecraft came from.

We arrived ten minutes before my appointment, just enough time to get an emergency x-Ray."Hi, I'm here for an appointment an an emergency x-ray, the nurse at CDO faxed."I said."Hunter, and Astrid?"She asked."Yup."She handed me two clip boards with paper work."Please fill these out, we'll call you when we're ready!"She replied extra cheery.

*****Small Le time skip/ after x-ray, in exam room*****

I was sitting on the cold exam table, Hiccup squeezing my hand. The doctor walked in, smiling."Well, good news! Your pregnant!"He enthused. Hiccup gave me a huge kiss, Hunter stayed silent, zoned out."Well, congrats! See you when you schedule your next appointment."

Hiccup POV

I got my sister's attention, she quickly zoned back in."Come on, we gotta head back to the car!"I said with enthusiasm."What are you so happy about? I zoned out the entire time we were in there!"I laughed as we walked into the parking lot."Let's just say Astrid's going to be moody for the next nine months or so."I replied."Well I happy for you two, but I kinda have a sprained ankle! So sorry if I ruin the excitement. But I really am happy for you!"She said in a sign she hasn't been very well occupied this afternoon. She got into the back seat,"Btw, this sprained ankle means no marching band!!!! How am I going to live without marching band! And I'm the clarinet section leader! (No Im not. I am the club president tho) I can't sit out!"She complained. I rolled my eyes as Astrid got in.

"Ready to go house hunting?"She asked. Hunter nodded."Yup! It's great dad gave us the money for one!"I said. So we set out, Hunter still mopping in the back, the excitement still weighing down on the front.

Hey guys! So exciting! Hiccstrid babies!!!! So y'all know what's gonna go down now, it's interview time!!!!!!! And today's interviewees aaaarrrre..... Father and Son, we all know and love em! Obviously, Hiccup and Stoick!!! (crowd goes crazy)

Hiccup: Hey Hunter!

Me: Hi and please, during these interviews, call me leven

Hiccup: Okay?

Me: Jk! Call me what ever Hicc!

Stoick: So any questions?

Me: Obviously! So how are you dealing with latest news that involves Hicc and Astrid?

Stoick: I'm still a little surprised

Me: Expected, and I mean, consider my thought process, I'm a little giddy

Hiccup: Wow

Me: Yes I'm a teenager now! Get over it! Sorry. That's all for now, my kindle's only on 6% battery at the moment so sorry if it's short! Love yous! -levenlover-

The depths I went to seem pervy, and to think that perv ends up being asexual.

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