Part 5 | They Think What!?

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Thought of introducing a new point of view! Hehe...



We were in Kartik's cabin when Tina, his PA announced, " Sir, Mr. Dixit and his team are here."

" Take them to the meeting room. I am on my way." Kartik dismissed her.

" So what do you think about the Jones deal?" he asked me.

" They don't have much to offer. I declined." he hummed.

" Dude?" I called out.

" Spit out. What's running in your mind?" he said, his eyes still focused on his Laptop.

I chuckled. Friends read minds.

My dad and kartik's dad are best friends and their friendship continued with us. I know him inside out and so does he, after all we are together since childhood. Back then when we were kids, both our families going together on a trip every summer holiday was like a custom, We never missed it even once. We did many things together the list is never ending.

" You and I, we both know that the clause could have been easily mended. You didn't necessarily had to get married for that. " I pointed out.

The clause that says the CEO of Oberoi Industries will have the monopoly of decision making only after he/she is married was framed by Kartik's Grandfather, founder of Oberoi Industries.

He was a man who believed in family values and always used to say, be it family or business, a man is incomplete with his women. He loved his wife a lot and more than that he respected her, acknowledged how she had supported him even when he was in ruins.

He believed love gives a man, the strength and courage to fight.

Kartik was his grandpa's pet and I must say he was the coolest grandfather one could probably get.

" I know that but I needed a reason." he shrugged.

" To marry her?" he stopped typing and shifted his gaze towards me.

" My intention was to protect her and that will be possible only if she is under my watch, near me. You know the Malhotras, They are dangerous! "

" You married her so that you could protect her, That's it! No other reason?" I smirked, pushing him to answer.

He avoided my gaze," Y- Yes. What else could be the reason. "

Maybe because you didn't want to lose her to someone else.

" That only your heart knows buddy." I stood and adjusted my suit.

" I have got a meeting. See you. " He nodded and I walked out of his cabin.


It's been 2 days since our court marriage and I am back at work for the project with Oberoi Industries.

" Good morning Mr. Dixit " Kartik greeted Dhruv as they shared a handshake.

He scanned the meeting room which was roughly filled with 15 people, just six from our side, rest were his employees. His eyes met mine for a few seconds and I smiled. He simply diverted his gaze and took the centre stage.

What the hell? He is behaving as if he doesn't even know me.

I remembered his words from our last night conversation.

" When at work, everything is professional. I prefer to keep personal and professional life separate from one another."

All that is fine, but he could have at least smiled back.

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