Part 8 | Just Friends

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It was Sunday and I currently was returning from the resort site. After Naira's presentation a week ago, I had meetings lined up regarding the finances for the project , documentation, registrations and other legal stuff the entire week. So the site visit had to be today. I want the resort construction to kick start as soon as possible.

I wanted to ask Naira if she would accompany me to the site today but then dropped the idea. Why? Because I have a younger sibling who is always ready to ruin my plans!!

Rudy stood at the doorstep sharp at 9 in the morning to take her to the basketball ground. she had promised to play a freaking match with him.

Even Today's breakfast was uneventful. He kept ranting about his iconic game tales and Naira was keenly listening to him all the time.

How does she even find it interesting?

Zero attention towards me!

Rudra plays national as well international leagues. He's an average student when it comes to academics, but he is exceptionally good in the sport. He started playing for the district level at the age of 17 and continued taking it up as a profession. Mom initially didn't agree but dad convinced her. He has racks arranged with his trophies and quite a huge fan following. Honestly I am proud of him, all that he has achieved and where he stands today, is because of his own efforts and determination.

He is flirty and juviol type of a person, but I had warned him this morning when Naira went to change, better he not flirt with naira, specially because I will not be around her.

Whatever be it, she is my wife.

I, kind of, like being around Naira but I don't want to look desperate. All my worries and tension seem to ease out when she is around. I am being more of myself around her.

It was about 7 pm when I reached home. As I walked in, I saw her in the kitchen aisle. I removed my blazers and flipped it carelessly on the couch. I made my way towards her rolling up the sleeves of my shirt. She had an apron on with her hair tied in a high messy bun as she focused on chopping the veggies.

" Missed me ? " I whispered from behind. She dropped the knife startled.

" Kartikk... " she whined before slightly slapping my arms," I told you not to do that. " I chuckled standing behind her.

" Do you need some help with that? " I asked as I saw her struggling to reach the flour packet that was in the top shelf.

Short girls problem I suppose !

She gave me a sharp glare.

Did I say it out loud?

I guess so...

" Let me help you " she refused.

" no thanks Mr.Oberoi! I can manage. " I rolled my eyes and she stood on the tip of her feet trying to reach the packet.

" Naira listen... "

Let me tell you, sometimes she is way too stubborn.

She groaned when she couldn't reach the packet. I smirked and moved closer to her and reached the packet. She abruptly turned brushing her arms against mine, her hands then rested on my chest as she looked up at me. Staring at her for a good few seconds, I moved back handing her the packet.

Not wanting to make the moment awkward I started a casual conversation.

" How was your day? " I asked her as I took a piece of carrot she had just finished chopping and munched it.

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