Part 40 | Back to where it began

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Click of the door was heard.

Aditi and Dhruv bombarded with questions regarding Naira right as they set their foot inside the house.

" Babe, she's fine. The doc had given her sedatives for sleep. She will wake up by morning. " Arjun said walking up to his worried wife.

" Thank God ! " Dhruv sighed in relief.

It was 10 at night.

Rudra interrogated about Siya to which Aditi answered elated, looking at her brother who had just become a dad.

It's a baby boy.

According to Dhruv, Both the mom and baby were doing good. They have to stay for a day more in the hospital before discharge.

" Congratulations man! " Rudra and Arjun cheered delighted.

" I am happy for you. " We shared a bro hug.

Dhruv and Aditi went to check on Naira while I slumped on the couch, eyes fixed on the ceiling of the hall.

" Now, What's next? " Rudra asked.

" Nothing, Head back to bed. We will know Tomorrow once Naira wakes up." Arjun spoke.

" We are leaving tonight. " I muttered with my eyes still fixated at the rotating fan in the ceiling.

" What ? " Dhruv was perplexed like the rest of them.

Before I could utter another word of explanation, Ishaan walked in to announce, " I have cancelled the flight. I will book the next one, that's tomorrow night."

" That won't be necessary. " I mumbled getting out of the couch. Ignoring Ishaan's frown I turned towards Dhruv, " I think it's best for Naira to come home with me."

" What!! No, ofcourse Not. " Ishaan yelled almost instantly. " She is going nowhere with you. "

" Ishaan I think Kartik is right. We can't compromise on her safety. " Aditi supported in my favour.

" Also she won't be alone here unlike Australia. She has a family. " Arjun said.

" I don't understand, how is it safe for Naira to be with a man who didn't even care to reach out and fight for his wife when she left the house. For months, he didn't come looking for her! " Ishaan paused, giving me an exasperated look.
" I don't trust him with her."

This man should quit testing my patience, because I am so frustrated my muscled twitch to beat the crap out of someone.

I voiced trying to sound as calm as possible, " You don't know the entire story and You certainly don't know what she means to me. "

Ishaan snapped back, " And I don't care. You can leave, Naira won't be coming with you! "

" I don't need anyone's permission to take My wife along, do you get that!! " My befitting reply boomed in the room, making everyone go speechless.

" My Wife. Stays. With Me. " I punctuated every word of the sentence with finality.

That was clearly the end of discussion.

I glanced at Dhruv who gave an approving nod before I ascended upstairs to her room. I saw her peacefully sleeping figure.
Brushed my knuckles against her cheeks. I know she will be mad when she wakes up tomorrow and finds out the turn of events.

But I can't just leave her and head back to the city.
I don't think I can stay away from her, any longer.

Picking her up in bridal style I walked out of the room.

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