Part 11 | Nightmares

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I couldn't sleep. I glanced at the clock, it was midnight.

Should I read some story book?

Nah..... too tired to walk and grab a book.

Grab something to eat?

I just brushed my teeth.... I can't do it again... Nope

Should I call someone and bore them?


Wake up the girl and she will eat you alive.


Unavailable! Boy is busy with his Girlfriend.

Did I say Siya accepted Dhruv's proposal last month? Well She did and they are together now. I am so happy for him. They make a cute couple.

How about Jason?

Sleepyhead! Must be fast asleep by now.

Sunday's dinner with Jason went pretty good. Kartik didn't talk much with Jason, just occasionally replied to his questions. Dhruv and Kartik were getting along so well. They talked as if they were some long lost friends meeting after ages.

There wasn't anything eventful last week but it was relaxing. Me and Kartik, we were doing fine or say great. We even watched a movie on Netflix one night and I found out,
Mr. Oberoi is scared of Horror films.

I am not scared, I just don't like watching horror films. They are rubbish!!!

I wonder if he slept already. He came home late today and would have slept by now.

I started counting sheeps like my mom taught.

1 sheep... 2 sheep... 3 sheep.... 4 sheep....

My sleep was disturbed when a vase breaking sound hit my ears. The clock showed 3'o clock. Rubbing my eyes I sat on the bed. I jumped out of bed when there came yet an other breaking sound.


I rushed out of my room and slowly opened his room door. I was startled to find him tossing in his bed, drenched in sweat. A clock piece and a vase lied shattered in pieces in the floor beside the night stand.

" Kartik.... Wake up " I called out softly as I shook him.

He was mumbling something I couldn't understand. His facial features clearly revealed his troubled state. He was probably having a nightmare.

" Kartik.... Hey... look here" I shook him again but he didn't open his eyes instead he just held my hands tightly.
I ended up beside him on his bed.
He slightly opened his eyes muttering something in sleep.

" Don't leave me. "

" I'm Sorry.... Please don't. "

I grabbed a tissue from the stand beside and gently rubbed off the sweat from his forehead, " It's fine.... Kartik... Relax... It's okay. "

Slowly he calmed down, his breathing steadied and soon he fell into sleep, clutching my hands. I tried to pull my hands from his hold but he wasn't leaving me.

" Stay.... Don't... Leave " he muttered sleepily.

What's hurting you Kartik?

I slept beside him, covering both of us with the duvet. Watching him drift into slumber I didn't realise when I feel asleep.


The next day,

" Rudy ! what are you doing here? " I asked him as I saw him waiting in lobby of Marco company.

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