Part 39 | One Step Away

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" ...... And Together we are better than we could ever hope to be, alone. You will always be the best part of my day.
I love you Mrs. Aditi Arjun Rathore. "

The crowd broke into cheers as Arjun placed a tender kiss on his wife's forehead.

Going down on his knees, he pecked her invisible baby bumb, " Mommy and Daddy got married baby! "

A chuckle escaped Aditi's mouth as she wiped her cheeks, " I am not crying! I blame the stupid harmones. "

Happy laughs resonated higher in the beach air.

" Time for a family photo! " Dhruv announced.

Among the happy smiles of the family the photo had captured, were two souls, standing at the extreme end looking at each other with an ache unsaid.

The wedding did end on a good note but in the back of their head a constant voice reminded them that the time has come to part away.

Yet again.


A knock on the door brought Naira out of her thoughts.

" Hey! " She looked perplexed at the person before.

" Ridhi? "

Why is this women here?

" Are you free? There's something we need to talk about. " Ridhi asked.

" Come in! " Naira invited.

Once comfortably seated Ridhi continued,
" I... Do you know about your husband's history .... With me? "

" I know. "

" Kartik is a gem of a person and the biggest regret of my life is losing him. A stupid mistake of mine costed me my love back then. "

There it comes....

" He was a perfect boyfriend... The kind who would bring a tub of your favourite icecream to make up for even those silly fights, who would scream " I love you" down in a hall not caring who's around." she chuckled.

" One you can cuddle with all night, who dances on the bed for the lamest music of your choice , never says no when asked to take out for shopping! Who makes an effort to understand you, make you smile even on your worst day. Even when angry, sends a good night message and checks if you have reached safe. He's too good!! "

" Why are you telling me all this? " Naira narrowed her brows.

" Because I don't want you to repeat my mistake. "

" What? " Naira looked at her bewildered.

" Arjun said you both aren't together at present. "

" Okay, I don't see how it is any of your concern! " Naira questioned clearly Annoyed.

" Naira I lost him the night I cheated on him, and nothing I do now can possibly bring him back into my life. And I am not trying to get him back. I-I... " Ridhi sighed.

" Kartik is a good man and he deserves someone much much better than me. He deserves a loyal love, warm and uncomplicated. He deserves to be loved in the right way, by someone who makes him believe he's worthy of all love in the world. "

Her eyes softened at Ridhi's words.

" I got to go, it's time for my flight. " She stood up to leave.

Before she stepped out Ridhi said" I'm glad you were able to fix what I broke in him, Naira. Let him in and he will never get tired of showing you his love."

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