Part 36 | Falling slowly

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3 Days later,


Hustle of footsteps on the wood flooring made me stir in my bed.

" Naira please"

" No "

" Yes"

" Noo"

" Yess"

" Ishaan!! "

With my face pressed on the comfy mattress, I grabbed a pillow and used it to shut my ears.

" Dove, pleasee!! Just look at the weather, it's perfect for surfing. " I heard a distinct plea.

" You remember The wedding is in 2 days!! There's a lot of work to do. " She replied.

" Work is all we have been doing ever since! From dress to makeup, decorations to photographers everything is sorted.

Just an hour of break won't hurt. Please please! It will be fun. "

There was a pause for about a minute.

" Okay fine! " What followed her reply was a squeal of laughter and the footsteps faded gradually.

" Arghh Damn it! " I sat on the bed, groaning in displeasure to find my bestfriend giggling at my state.

" Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed. " Arjun commented as he jumped onto the bed.

" Man, I hate him. " I grunted.

The past 3 days have been pure torture. God knows how I managed to keep my hands to myself and not beat the hell out of him.

Naira wouldn't talk to me expect for those bare minimum words we exchanged and He wouldn't stop hanging around her like some lost puppy.

I am supposed to be the lost puppy here!

" He looks harmless. " I rolled my eyes.

" He is literally everywhere she goes!! All chirpy and kittenish. Is he that jobless!?" Arjun let out a laugh.

" And what is it with the name , Dove!! Like what in f****ng hell ! "

I got out of the bed and fetched my toothbrush.

Arjun lay back on the bed relaxed, " she looks happy though. Maybe she likes his company. "

My foot!

" Did you talk to her? " He asked.

" Yeah, she is dying to hear me out. " Sarcasm coated in my words.

" Kartik "

" She has all the time to laugh at that jackass's lame jokes but when it comes to me, she walks away like her feet is on fire. " I complained.

" How on earth am I supposed to make her listen to me, when she acts like I am Invisible. "

" well can'blame her, you created the mess. "

" Thanks, that was helpful! " I faked a smile.

Arjun shook his head, " you realise, you have got only 3 days in hand. Once the wedding ends... "

" I know. I am trying. " I sighed.

" then, you got to try harder. " He patted my shoulder.

As Arjun left the room, I refreshed and did a bit of streching before heading to my morning jog.


After about an hour of jogging I returned back. It was half past 8.

I climbed up to my room and found the shower to be engaged by Arjun.

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