Part 28 | Let the World Know

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Double Update !!

There you go, as promised

Enjoy reading



I slightly pushed open the door to see my beautiful wife in a gown sitting on a high raised chair, savouring her favourite mug brownies.

I leaned on the wall watching her moan at a bite of the dessert. She enjoyed the brownies without any care about her makeup or attire. Slowly licking the spoon she taste the final remains of creamy sweetness.

My chuckle gained her attention.
She looked at me with the spoon still caught between her lips.

" I couldn't resist the craving. " She passed me a sheepish smile.

I walked up to her and with a help of tissue wiped her lips that had a chocolate mess.

" I messed up my lipstick, now I have to reapply it. " She complained and searched for the lipstick in the dressing table.

" This one? " I held a shade in my hand.

She nodded and was about to take it from me but I pulled back. She frowned.

" Give me a kiss first. "

" Kartik! We are getting late, give it to me now. " She tried to grab the makeup accessory.

She whined but I was in no mood of letting her take it without gaining my kiss.

" There's so point in applying your lipstick now. Anyways it will get ruined when we share a kiss and you have got to reapply it again. So why not just kiss me now, saves time. "

She gave me a 'you- are- impossible' look.

" Naira are you ready? Everyone's down." A female knocked at the door.

" Y-yea Siya! I am just coming.
5 minutes. " It was Dhruv's Fiance.

" Alright! " With that Siya left.

" When did you lock the door? " Naira asked me.

" When you were busy enjoying your brownies. "

She glared at me but I gave her a sly smile, " you asked for it, I warned you."

" Okay fineee!! You can kiss me." With that she crossed her arms and closed her eyes.

Trust me when I say she looks so cute when she gets annoyed or angry.

I inched closer to her and slowly brushed my lips against her, kissing the sides of her lips I backed off.

She flung open her eyes, " Here, have your lipstick. "

" What the heck! " I giggled but turned putting on a clueless face.

" You said you wanna kiss! " She said.

" It can wait. We are getting late. " I shrugged.

" W-wait.... What ! " I had left her on the edge.

" It's not like you wanted a kiss now! "

I was trying hard to control my laughter seeing her flushed face.
" No.. I-I.... you said you want... "

I broke into laughter and she hid her face between her palms embarrassed. " Ayy, my baby. "

" What's with this game. " She huffed.

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