Part 6 | Meeting His Parents

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" Okay, I guess this is fine." I adjusted the fleets of my saree.

After pondering over what to wear today, as I will be meeting his parents for the first time, I settled on Aditi's suggestion of wearing a saree. It's a simple red saree with golden border.

Kartik's parents arrived 15 minutes ago and are down in the hall, pretty much awaiting to see their son's wife. I heard his mom's impatient voice asking for me.

I looked at my reflection on the mirror, a small streak of sindoor sat on my hairline. Not so revealing, so I guess it's fine.

" Don't think too much. All this is just for today, before his parents." I remembered Aditi's words.

I don't know what is his parent's expectations of a daughter in law. Holding the knob of the door, I took a deep breath.

Don't be nervous. Just smile and act cool.

As I descended the stairs I sensed a wave of silence replacing the voices in the living room. I could sense their gaze on me. I walked and stood beside Kartik who looked at me dumb folded.

Now, why is he acting weird?

I slightly nudged his shirt, his trance broke. Shouldn't he be introducing me to his parents instead of standing still!

I was about to introduce myself but I went speechless when he slid his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

" Mom, Dad this is Naira. My wife!" He spoke looking at me intently.

" You look so beautiful dear!" His mom chirped enthusiastically as she hugged me.

" Oh, I forgot! I am Swarna Oberoi and this is Rakesh Oberoi my husband. " his mom spoke with a smile as she looped around her husband's arm.

" Nice to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Oberoi" I got their blessing by customarily touching their feet.

" Oh dear, Stay happy! I am so happy for you both. " his dad spoke with a smile, caressing my head.

" Don't be so formal, call us Mom and Dad. You are like our daughter. " I didn't expect that honestly.

It's been years since I called anyone mom and dad.

We settled on the couch, me and Kartik sitting beside each other.

" Now tell me, what did you see in this ' not so romantic ' son of mine? I never believed he will have a love marriage! " his dad teased.

" Oh Rakesh please, as if you were!"

" Sweetheart, you had a dreamy proposal! I went on my knees on your birthday night at Paris... " Uncle winked at his wife.

" Yeah so you should also remember how you confessed your love to me for the first time?" She raised her brows.

" In granny's kitchen with a cauliflower! " Kartik fist bumped with his mom as they shared a laugh.

I chuckled as his dad rolled his eyes.
" Whatever! "

" Now tell us where and when did you meet each other? " she beamed excited.

" At Work! "

" Little flower Children's park! "

We said in unison. His parents looked at us suspiciously.

Oh shit! Think Naira...

" I met her in the Children's park for the first time. " Kartik intertwined his fingers with mine as he fixed his gaze on me.

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