Part 56 | Home Feels like you - 2

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Parting away once my tears dried up, he took a step back. My body whine at the loss of his touch.

" What happened in the warehouse? " Kartik questions, peering at me intently like he could read me through my lies.

" Naira, I am trying to help you. I wanna be there for you, but I can't do that if you keep pushing me away. So don't try to lie. What happened?" 

As much as I love to skip this part, Clearly that isn't happening. So I spill the truth.

As I successfully complete my monologue without having a  breakdown, I look up from the ground to face my husband.
His nostrils flaring in anger as He swore under his breath.

" And you believed the crap Raghav said. " The ache in his tone crushing my soul.

" I'm sorry. " My shoulder drop in defeat, hating the fact that I allowed his words to affect my life negatively.

Kartik closes his eyes, and when they open, I'm held captivated by the sorrow within.

" You held a gun for me. You saved the kids. You saved dad by warning about the fake allegation. Your decision saved the business. How did you destroy the family?"

He closes the little distance between us and cups my face.

" You. It will always be you. Don't you get it! " The vulnerability his eyes held broke my heart.

" You are the love that came without any warning! Everything is better with you, It has been ever since you. I love you, not just for the pretty parts. For everything. I'm here no matter what.
You belong with me, Can't you see that! "

Every word of his, tugs the deepest string of my heart. The haunting voice of Raghav long forgotten.

Our faces only a couple inches apart and his gaze pierce right into my soul as he rasped,
" If you believe you are going to destroy me, then I'm ready to be f****ng ruined by you, Mrs. Oberoi. "

God, I swear, I fell for my man in that very moment, a million times over again.

I'll never finish falling in love with him.

Suddenly, Kartik grabs me by waist and spins me around so that I'm the one leaning against the ledge. The swiftness of the movement robbed my breath and Before I could even blink, his lips met mine with such fervor that shook my core. It wasn't sweet but demanding.

Someone, Teach me to breath!

I have seen many versions of his love. Soft, Crazy, Angry, Flirtatious. But never this kind. I have never been loved so Wildly, Insanely and Infinitely...... that it knocks the breath out of my lungs!

I snap out of the momentary shock and give in. A moan rushes up my throat and his kiss grew deeper. I'm glad he's holding me right now, cause I'm pretty sure my weak legs isn't capable of keeping me steady.

A desperate need for oxygen makes us part away.

His forehead meets mine as we stood there panting, sinking into the moment of pleasure. "You are the one I'll ever want, no matter what. "

A silent promise was carved in those words. A promise of forever.

Death never scared me, but losing him does. It terrifies me. Without him my World will never be the same.


Our moment broke when his phone, placed on the ledge, pinged with a message. A soft sigh escapes his mouth, as he glanced at the notification. I could feel the gloominess return back in the air.

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