Part 52 | Last kiss

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" I can let the kids go. " The room turned dead quiet as Malhotra spoke," I'll never bother your husband or family, and I'll put an end to all my illegal business. "

Naira looked at him bewildered, so did the others. His statement didn't end, she knew there was more to it. He wouldn't give up so easily.

" But On one condition.
you'll have to sign, yet an other documents apart from the property transfer. "

Malhotra adjusted his glasses, corners of his lips lifted in a slick smirk." I haven't done a sloppy work, Mr. Oberoi. Have I? "

Kartik tightened his fist, muttering a curse.

Damn it! How did he know!

It was supposed to be a confidential matter. Someone from the board must have leaked it to Malhotra. Kartik made a mental note to investigate this matter, at no cost can the board be filled with heinous people who backstabs their CEO.

" The CEO has recently amended the Board's policy. And it states that in his absence, his wife,
Mrs. Naira Oberoi, can make a call regarding the company's affairs. "

" W-What! " Naira looked at Kartik flabbergasted.

What was he even thinking while bestowing her with such a huge responsibility!? The kind of faith her husband has on her overwhelmed her. It's beyond what she had read in romantic novels.

" So sign the documents and put an end to this. " Malhotra handed her the documents.

" And You'll let them go? " She cocked her head.

" I will. "

Her gaze darted to the papers and then back to her uncle.

" And If I refuse to sign. "

" He dies. " A monotonous reply.

" She will not Sign. " Kartik denied firmly, afraid she'll make an impulse decision in order to save him.

Lighting a cigarette, Malhotra took a long puff. " Well the choice is yours, Naira. I'll give you a minute. "

Flipping through the pages of the document, Naira did not care to even read it's content.
The decision was already made.

" I don't need a minute. " She spoke taking the pen in her hand.

" No, Naira! " She heard her husband's whispery plea.

Rudra was in a dilemma. Kartik would want him to stop her. But How can he stop her from taking a decision that is gonna save his brother, who's life is at stake.

" you don't have to do this. " He mumbled in her ear unsure.

" I know. " She gave him a small smile, stepping forward. Rudra still stood close to his sister in law. He wouldn't dare lower his guard.

" You know I can go to any lengths to save my husband. And it was smart of you to use me as a bait. But what you didn't know is that.... Mr. Malhotra I can be really clumsy sometimes. " Malhotra frowned.

" Like this. " Ink soaked through the paper as Naira struck the metal nib deep in, causing the pen to penetrate into the paper, creating a hole.

" Oops! " She dragged the pen diagonally with a force, tearing the paper into two shreds.

Kartik looked at her amused. Despite in shock, Rudra couldn't contain his laugh, " Woah! Beautiful! "

Kartik glared at his brother.
This Idiot yet hasn't learnt to control his laughter in serious situation.

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