Part 3 | His Proposal

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As a streak of thunderbolt struck the land, a roaring echo filled the air. I felt a tiny fist clutched around my coat. I saw her body shivering, her lips trembling and her legs giving up.

" Naira... Hey, what's wrong?" she leaned into me more and I let her.

"She is scared of Thunders, we need to leave..." Dhruv spoke worried.

" Arjun get the car. We are heading to the hotel now!" I said as I carried an almost unconscious naira in my arms.

" Dhruv I guess you should also stay with us for tonight!" Arjun offered, he nodded after taking a quick glance at naira.

Dhruv and Aditi followed us to the hotel in their car. We reached the hotel and checked in to our rooms. I gently placed Naira on the bed, careful to not wake her up.
With her pink lips slightly parted, She looked so peaceful and untroubled in sleep.

I moved those few strands of her slightly wet hair that was carelessly spread across her face.

" I will never let anything happen to you Ms. Basu.... I promise to keep you safe." I muttered to her sleeping form before covering her with the duvet.

Taking one last look at her I left the room.


" Don't have futile hopes Naira, even he will leave you.. Just like them...all alone! Love isn't meant for you! "

I woke up covered in sweat, my heart beating rapidly as Raghav's words echoed in my mind. Last night's events flashed before my eyes.

Where am I?

I hastily got down the bed and in the process a flower vase from the side table fell on the ground shattering into pieces.

" Ms. Basu, Are you okay?" I saw him at the door step of the room dressed in a body hugging white t-shirt and black jogging pants.

" I... am sorry, the vase... I didn't"

" hey, that's okay." I nodded.

" What happened? Why am I here? Where are we..." I asked.

" you are safe, don't worry. Dhruv and Aditi are also downstairs. Before we have a talk, Why don't you refresh and change into something comfortable? " I nodded.

Just then I realised I didn't have any clothes to change.

" Here... I didn't know what you would prefer to wear but I guess this will be okay for now. " He handed me a bag.

" Thanks " I said and rushed into the bathroom.

That's so thoughtful of him.

I quickly took a refreshing bath and changed into the clothes he gave me. A jean and a plain peach top.
I came out to see him on the phone, his one hand shoved into his pant pockets.

" Yes Tina, schedule the meeting tomorrow." with that he ended the call and walked me to a meeting room, it looked like a private hall. And I saw Dhruv and Aditi talking with Arjun.

Aditi was quick to envelope me into a hug, " You scared me like hell last night. Thank God, you didn't marry that duffer! " I giggled at her dramatic expressions.

" How are you feeling now?" Dhruv asked as he took me into a side hug.

" Perfectly fine! " I smiled at him.

" Mr. Oberoi" There stood a man in his late forties, decked in law suit, carrying a few documents.

" Yes Mr. Patel! Come in..." the man handed him a file and an envelope.

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