Part 45 | Sweet surrender

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" Damn it! "

That was Arjun's first reaction when his eyes landed on the headlines of morning newspaper.

" Honey, What happened? " Aditi asked caressing her baby bump that had just started showing. Swiftly her frowns disappeared when her husband pointed at the article.

" How could this.... Gosh, this isn't good! " She exclaimed with wide eyes.

" I know. I don't understand how this happened! " Arjun pressed his forehead, punching some numbers on his phone furiously.

" I need to go. " She nodded at him as he grabbed his car keys.

Placing a kiss on Aditi's forehead, he reassured her that everything was under control. He didn't want the women carrying their child to panic and stress out.

In less than 15 minutes Arjun jumped out of his Mercedes, marching his way past Kartik's living room.

" This is ridiculous. " Came a frustrated voice behind him. Dhruv joined along with Rudra, tension evident on their faces. Their pace synchronised as they barged into Kartik's bedroom upon finding the hall and kitchen empty.

" What's - " Arjun hushed his voice when Kartik pointed at his wife sleeping beside. He gave a questioning look upon seeing them barge into his bedroom on a Sunday morning.

Arjun held the bundled newspaper in his hand, mouthing the Words with a serious expression.
' we need to talk! '.

Kartik tilted his head sideways to check on Naira before slowly slipping out of the covers. Pecking her temple he tucked her in comfortably before leaving the room.
She was in deep slumber, clueless about What was happening outside her dream world.

" Can you explain this!? " Dhruv questioned Kartik showing him the headlines as the men gathered in the latter's study.

Kartik took them by surprise when he replied in a monotonous tone. " I don't see anything wrong here. "

This wasn't the expected reaction.

What were they expecting?
Shock. Anger. Tension. Anything but not this bored look on his face after seeing the picture plastered on the headlines!

The photo showed the billionaire businessman having his hands wrapped around his wife waist, resting his chin on her shoulder, their cheeks pressed together and their lips curved upwards in a gentle smile.

It was a lovely capture.

I should get this photo framed.
Kartik thought.

" Are you serious! " Dhruv yelled in annoyance. " Don't you realise the consequence of this freaking piece of article. Malhotra will know about - "

" I want him to know. " Kartik's sharp words silenced the room. " It was my decision to have this picture published in today's headlines. "

The information came as a bombshell making their jaws drop to the floor.

" Why would you do this! " Rudra exasperated in horror. " Despite knowing this would imperil Naira's life, you risked her safety. Why brother ! "

Arjun had his gaze fixed on Kartik's stoic face. He didn't say a word and chose to listen instead. He had known his friend ever since childhood. Kartik wouldn't do something stupid like this without a reason. There's something going on, in his mind.

" Because she deserves more than living a scared life, afraid every day! " Kartik yelled back turning towards them. His facial muscles tightened, as he remembered her words.

I don't want to be in constant fear and forget to live while I am still alive. You shouldn't either.

" In the name of protecting her, I can't cage her inside these four walls. What is her fault? Why is she supposed to live in fear and for how long! " His words laced with dejection.

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