Part 18 | Love Struck

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" you give me butterflies and
Adrenaline Highs "


It's been two days since Naira came back home and kartik flew to Italy.


" Now spit out. What's going on? " I demanded with my hand resting on my waist glaring at Aditi.

I just accidentally caught the sneaky little mouse !

" Naira ... I " she looked at Arjun who stood beside her.

" We love each other. " Arjun held her hands and she nodded not meeting my eyes.

Gotcha!! I knew there was something!

" I need to talk to you alone Aditi. " Arjun gave a reassuring nod at her after which we went to the balcony.

" Aditi are you sure about this? " I asked concern laced in my words.

" Initially I wasn't. Arjun proposed me a week before you went on the trip. It was out of the blue and I needed time to think. I know he is hot and a good guy and all that but I wasn't sure about what I was feeling. I didn't want to give him any false hopes. But then a lot of things happened in the past few days that made me realise. " she smiled remembering something.

" Being with him felt different.... I felt special. Without even knowing I started liking his presence around me. I like the way he talks and flirts, the way he notices, cares and appreciates the little things concerning me, everything. Yeah he loves to irritate me but I can handle that. " She chuckled. " And .... "

I smiled as she kept describing how she felt about him and their relationship. The way she described was enough to tell that she was really happy and pretty confident about them.

" His one smile is enough to lit up my world. I am no longer confused Naira. I love him and I am willing to give us a chance, to know where this leads us to." She concluded.

"Well then Let's have a word with your boyfriend. Come on! " We came inside to see Arjun impatiently tapping his feet. Upon seeing us he rose from the couch and walked up to us.

" Does Dhruv know? " I asked them.

" Yes. He agreed after giving a Private lecture to Arjun. " She facepalmed.

" For record, ending it with a threat of breaking my bones if I hurt his little sis! " he added making me giggle.

When it comes to matters concerning Aditi, Dhruv becomes this over protective brother.

" So mister, you are ready to tolerate her throughout your life. " I questioned playful.

" Let me think.... " He made a thinking face to earn a dangerous glare from his girlfriend.

" Gladly ! " He pulled her in a hug laughing.

" Well then that's your fate, my best wishes! " I heaved a dramatic sigh while Aditi turned her head in fake anger.

" I can't tell you how happy I am for you both " we quickly got in for a trio hug.

" sorry we should have told you before but we didn't want to disturb you both. We were about to tell you... " Arjun spoke.

" That's okay. You can compensate by getting me my favorite cheesecake. "

" Right away. " Replying Arjun kissed her cheek grabbing her by waist.

" woah! Get a room guys! " saying I left the love birds alone.


Me: Reached Hotel?

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