Chapter 24

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Millions of thoughts were rushing through Levi's head. Paperwork, expeditions, stupid cadets, cleaning. But most of them were on Adira. She was a constant thought and it was annoying him how she managed to pull him in so fast.

He grumbled as he finished his paperwork. Huffing, he decided he was done for the day and would go down and eat lunch with everyone else. He walked down the hallways, passing a few cadets who froze under his intimidating gaze.

He walks into the mess hall and sits next to Erwin, who was sipping coffee. Hange skipped through the doors and sat beside Levi.

"Hey Levi!" She sings. His shoulders slump and he closes his eyes and rubs his temples.

"What do you want shitty eyes?" He asks in a bored tone.

"Well since you insisted, I was out for a late night walk last night and you'd never guess who I saw!" She says with a menacing grin. He froze slightly but kept his neutral expression. Inside, he was freaking out.

He rolls his eyes at Hange, hoping for something to distract her. Luckily for him, a cadet came running past the tables and stopped beside Hange. Looking at them with a disdainful look, he realized it was one from Adira's squad, Nyla.

"Hello Squad Leader Hange. I was wondering if you knew where Adira is? We can't seem to find her and we know that if she's not with us, she's probably with you or Corporal Levi." She gasps out of breath.

"With Levi, huh?" Hange asked while smirking.

As much as he wanted to throw himself out of a window, he remembered what Nyla had just said. Was she okay? What if she was in trouble. No, he knew she could handle it herself but that didn't stop him from worrying.

Hange stood up suddenly with a crazed expression.

"Oh no, this is bad. What if she's missing? Then there won't be any Levi-Adira romance, no wedding! I want some powerful titan killing babies!" She yells. People around them stared and Levi could feel himself turning red and the thought of Adira marrying him. What a stupid fantasy Hange had.

He stood up with Hange, stuffing his hands in his pocket. Erwin stayed seated in his seat, finally raising his eyes from the paper in his hands.

"Let's go find Adira!" Hange says with a fist raised in the air. That's when the door opened and in walks Adira. Her hair was in a half up- half down style and she was wearing casual clothes- loose pants and a tank top. Adira spots the group and walks over to them. Levi straightened his back and stood a little taller.

"Adira! Where were you? We were so worried, even shorty." She says running up to Adira and hugging her. Adira awkwardly pats Hange in a side hug and glances over to Levi who was standing beside Hange with a bored look.

"Ah, sorry about that. I ran into.. trouble." She says stiffly.

"What happened?" Asks Nyla, appearing out of nowhere with an apple sticking out of her mouth.

Adira looks back at the door she came in and at a cadet who limped in with a swollen eye. Levi follows the cadet with eagle eyes and an expression that could bury someone six feet under and watches him glance back at Levi and scurry off to a table. "He was getting too close for comfort." Adira shrugs as if it was nothing.

Hange looks at the cadet with a dark look.

"Don't worry. I broke a few bones." Adira says with a smirk.

"Did he touch you?" Levi speaks up, stepping closer to Adira. Adira stayed quiet, silently eyeing Levi with a questioning look. "Did he fucking touch you?" He asks again. Hange, Erwin and Nyla all raised their eyebrows at their close proximity. Levi steps back and Adira raises an eyebrow as well. What was up with him, Adira thought as she glanced back at Levi who took a sip of tea.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The next day, they all sat together for lunch. Adira picked through her food while Levi was forced to sit next to her, Hange managed to fill all the spots he would have normally chosen.

His body was stiff as he took a sip of his tea. This feeling was so foreign to him, and he hated it. The doors open and in walks the cadet that messed with Adira from the day before. Adira's eyes widen as he walks in with crutches, a broken arm and many more bruises scattered across his body.

"You only have him a black eye, right?" Nyla asks Adira as the cadet attempts to sit down at a bench.

Adira takes a quick glance at Levi who took another sip, hiding his reddening face.

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