━━ chapter eight

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singing no requiem

Dom Pérignon, you brought itNo crowd of friends applaudedYour hometown skeptics called itChampagne problems

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Dom Pérignon, you brought it
No crowd of friends applauded
Your hometown skeptics called it
Champagne problems

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ✷ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

CAS DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. She was at a moral crossroads.

A bit dramatic, she only ran out on her wedding. A wedding that she didn't want. There were no crossroads.

The issue was showing her face to someone other than Loki. She knew that Frigga wouldn't be mad, and neither would Thor who didn't mind anyway, but the nerves still moved through her like blood, she fiddled with her fingers as she walked down the hallway. Dark hair spilled down her shoulders. She sighed before knocking on the door. 

"You know," Frigga said after Cas stepped inside. She stood, turning to her, and smiled. "I knew you wouldn't go through with it.  

"How do you know me so well?" Cas asked as Frigga embraced her, a smile on both of the goddess's faces. 

"It has been a few years," Frigga laughed. It hadn't been only a few, it had been for a long time. Cas had lived on Asgard by now. She would have lived here for over two centuries. Long for Midgardians, but Cas was a god. It wasn't long.

"Frigga," Cas said after a few moments of silence. "Something happened yesterday." 

"a lot of things probably happened yesterday," Frigga smiled, patting Cas's hand.  "What happened?"

"Loki kissed me," She said, subconsciously brushing her lips with her fingers. "And I don't regret it."

"Why would you have cause to?" Frigga asked. 

"Because. Loki is my best friend. If I lose him when he finds out, I don't want to be too attached," Cas sighed. "because I lose everyone, and I don't know if I could lose him too."

"I know Loki," Frigga said, looking to Cas with soft eyes. "And though you think that he'll hate you if you tell him, I don't think he has room enough in him to hate you."

"he hasn't seen that side of me before," Cas sighed. "You have too much faith in people, Frigga."

"you don't have enough, Cas," Frigga smiled, her face softening when she saw Cas's. Tears in the girl's eyes, she sighed. 

"Frigga, I don't think he'll ever want to see me again if I told him." Her hands shook. She didn't like crying, especially in front of people, it would be a mess in front of Frigga of all people. "I'll have to leave again."

"Cas, look at me," Frigga said. Cas did as she was told, looking up from her hands and at Frigga, whose calm exterior was unbroken. "That boy loves you more than anything. It'd take a lot for him to not speak to you."

"I just-" Cas cut herself off. The truth was, she didn't know why she was worrying. She had no reason to believe that Loki would immediately hate her after he found out. There was nothing but that little voice in her head that screamed at her every time she thought about it or even tried. "I just can't."

"I know, and nobody is telling you to, but you should eventually." Cas could tell Frigga was hiding something, but that was the end of it.

Cas just had a lot to think about. 

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ✷ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

"OUR FATHER ISN'T PLEASED WITH YOU," Thor said, looking at Loki. "He is under the assumption that this is your fault." Thor threw a punch which Loki dodged, going to swipe Thor's feet with his own, knocking his brother over. 

"Cas is a free person," Loki said as Thor stood, glaring at his brother. "She had the thought, I just helped her achieve it."

"why?" Thor asked, calling mjölnir. 

"Ah, so we're playing dirty," Loki sighed, summoning his daggers with a smirk. 

"Why did you help her? I thought you were fighting?" Loki didn't respond, just swiped at him, but he missed and Thor hit him. He was getting sloppy now.  Thor dropped his hammer, his mouth opening as realization hit him. 

"You love her, don't you?" Thor asked. Loki took a step back, his daggers disappearing. He looked at Thor, trying to be angry, but he couldn't. 

Not when it came to her

"wasn't it obvious?" Loki replied, a stoic look on his face. "But she doesn't feel the same way."

"Are you sure?" Thor asked. Loki scoffed. 

"She is my closest friend, and she will always see me like that," Loki sighed. "If I made any more advances I would mess it up." He didn't exactly know why he was telling Thor this, but it felt good to get it off his chest. He sighed. 

"You never know until you try," Thor said, seemingly done with Loki. 

"I won't be trying anything if it poses the risk of losing her." Loki's voice remained stern, almost angry. "That's where I draw the line." Thor didn't say anything else and let Loki go. 

The castle was askew with midsummer decorations being placed around by busy maids. Asgard always went all out, and Loki was annoyed at the concept. He had better things to worry about than elegant garden parties and dark suits. 

The fact that most of Asgard were coming to the party. That meant Cas. That also meant that Cas would be dressed up. Cas was beautiful, so that meant that there would be people hitting on her, and Loki just couldn't handle that. 

Maybe he'd avoid all of the festivities altogether. That, however, wouldn't look good for the palace and he'd get an earful from Odin who was already angry at him. 

Loki sighed, sitting on his bed, resting his head in his hands. He wished he hadn't kissed her. He wished that he didn't go and mess everything up, that he didn't make it so Cas wouldn't speak to him. He wished he could just change everything about the previous day. 

he wished for a lot of things. 

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ✷ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ✷ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜


they really were made for each other  🙄

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