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"I have a younger brother?" The scratchy young voice of tomura rang out in his father's ears

"Yes, he was very cute, he had red eyes like us but green hair like his mothers" AFO spat that later word out like it was venom but also with a hint of sadness and betrayal

"Then why isn't he here, with us?" Tomura looked at his adoptive father curiously, confused as to why he hadn't met this younger brother of his

"Well, Tomura it's all All Might's fault, you see when I was going to see them he attacked me and left me like this, and then he took Izuku from me from us" The Overlord spat out in disdain heartbroken that he'd most likely never be able to met his own flesh and blood

Tomura wasn't happy yet again he had lost something to All Might, he lost his grandmother to All Might and because of that he lost his family, and now he's a brother he's never met and would most likely never meet under friendly circumstances, they were still villains after all


"Sorry kid it's not gonna happen" the doctor looked at the red-eyed boy, The doctor lied of course, despite them being in civilian clothes he knew who the two heroes infront of him were

The boy he had just lied to looked down in shame, the boy he had just lied to was his master's son, Izuku Midoriya, he wanted the boy to have a normal childhood and with the quirk he possessed he couldn't have one, All For One, or a stronger version of it, the boy could give, take, and use quirks, but he could also slightly edit them, making them less dangerous for their users or make them stronger and unlock new possibilities

But he couldn't just come out and say that, All Might was in the room and who knows what he would do if he found out that his step-son has the quirk of his biggest enemy, so he did what he had to do, he used one of his quirks to lock the quirk of the boy, it's not the best option but it's better than being treated as a villain for something you couldn't control, at least he would have a supportive family, oh how wrong he was

Putting on a smile his announced the quirk of the female blonde child unconcerned of the troubles of her greenette brother, looking at the doctor before her with and expectant look

"Buuuut, your daughter has has great telekinesis quirk that if trained properly could surpass yours, only downside is that if she uses it more than ten minutes at a time she'll have a migraine and a nose bleed" he said less than enthusiastically she was going to grow up elitist trash, and after seeing that hint of greed in her eyes his suspicions were confirmed, he just hopped that Izuku would be able to grow up in a healthy environment

The doctor was a villain but he was not Evil


Izuku sat on the swings by himself he was diagnosed quirkless yesterday, his family almost forgot about him at the hospital, and they celebrated izumi getting her quirk, he thought of it as an accident and that it would get better that his family wouldn't forget about him, but a part of him knew it wouldn't get better that it would only get worse

Snapping out of his thoughts he spotted his "friends" and his sister walking towards him, "they must be coming to cheer me up" He smiled at his friends and family not expecting the question

"Izuku do you still want to be a hero"

The boy looked shocked at his sister he was a little bit offended when she asked such a question, she should know the answer too, but nevertheless he answered without hesitation

"Of cour-" He never got to finish because as soon as the words exited his mouth their was an explosion set off in his face sending him flying into a wall

What happened next was a blur for the greenette, all he felt was pain he was covered in bruises and burns by the end of it, and all throught the suffering he could only remember the word Deku a word for useless another way to spell Izuku

As de dragged and limped himself home he could her the voice from earlier the same part of him that was sure it was gonna get worse, it was laughing at him cackling even telling him, I told you so, he didn't like the voice

That was Izuku Midoriya's life for the next two years, a life of torment and neglect, something no child should ever have to experience, slowly but surely the days kept getting worse and worse, the stress just adds on day after day, his hair slowly turning white

He also has been suffering of the same dream over and over, its neither a dream nor is it a nightmare, these vestiges as he calls them he's staring out into space infront of him is a storm cloud with a single crimson red bolt of lightning, strangely enough, in these dreams he feels someone else's presence, he knows their's someone behind him, and with that person came a red sun

Izuku didn't know whether it was the person or the sun behind him that allowed him to feel such warmth, to izuku going to sleep and feeling that warmth is the best part about his life(for now)


It was a day like any other Izuku was by himself wandering around the playground when he hears a scream, when he spots the source of said noise he can't help but feel infuriated

His former friend and his sister tormenting a young girl, he was fine getting beat up himself, but hurting other people, especially innocent people is involved, you're not getting away unscathed

"Damn hero complex"

Izuku rushes over and tackles his sister before she can use her quirk on the poor girl, her shoves Izumi's face into the first before kicking a surprised Katsuki in the shins as hard as hr can causing the blond to tumble to the ground and scream out in pain, quickly getting up he kicks izumi in the head to make sure she stays down for a bit

He then grabs the girl by her hand and runs away with her, platonically

Once they reach a far enough distance    the greenette turns to the girl he just kidnapped but stiffens up when he sees her face, she had beautiful onyx black eyes and black hair styled into a spikey ponytail with a long bang on the right said of her face

"S-s-sorry for that, my sister can be quite a bitch sometimes" "Ignoring your vulgar language, yes she is" Izuku chuckles at that response before introducing himself, "I'm Izuku Midoriya, by the way"

"Momo Yaoyarozu"

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