Chapter 1 - The Hangover

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"I-I can explain everything!" Baldi yelped.

It was 6:00 on a Friday morning, just an hour before students would begin to roll into their daily routine. And there was Baldi, sitting down hungover in his office, with an empty bottle of liquor on the wooden desk. His eyes were bloodshot and the bags under his eyes noticeably sunk in. Principal of the Thing told Baldi the last time he did this he would have to suspend him from the Schoolhouse.

"Baldi, I don't want to hear it. No drinking or staying past hours in the schoolhouse" the Principal scolded in a monotone voice, with his finger upward.

Baldi's eyes shifted left to right rapidly as if he could find the solution to the problem.

"You promised this wasn't going to happen again" the Principal leaned onto the desk looking directly down at Baldi.

Baldi flushed with shame and sighed deeply.

"It's Susan. We are getting... Divorced" Baldi said with closed eyes in a flat tone.

"What? You can't be serious, you said things were getting better... Baldi, are you okay?" the Principal said with both concern and disappointment.

Tears began to form in Baldi's eyes, while he tried to fight them back, he could not at the face of his boss and best friend.

"Baldi, please I understand times are not perfect right now, but staying after hours is a violati—" Principal could not finish his sentence as Baldi began to sob loudly with his hands covering his face.

"I lost my house too. I lost my wife. I lost my son. Might as well fire me now to end it all!"

Silence engulfed the entire school, except for Baldi's cries.

The principal abruptly put his hand on Baldi's shoulder. "I'll help you through this."

Baldi was startled by both the swift movement and those five words.

"How could you help me?" Baldi said with a crack in his voice.

Principal grabbed his chin "Hmmm..." Then an idea hit him and he raised his finger higher. "I know! You could stay with me until you find your own place."

A mixture of confusion and doubt showed on Baldi's face. "I know you're trying to help, but come on. Me, live with you? It's too much to ask for."

"There really is no other option for you. Plus if you feel more comfortable I can take it from your wage." Principal said with a straight face.

"I guess you're right," Baldi sighed. "But I promise this won't be long. I'll get an apartment as soon as the divorce papers are settled," Baldi said with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't worry about today. Just make yourself a cup of coffee and get ready for the first period. I'll drive you to my place after work," Principal said with a smirk.

The principal then walked out of Baldi's office, shutting the office door slowly. Then there Baldi sat, looking down at his desk.

"Well shit..." he whispered. He would need at least three cups of coffee to cure his hangover.

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