Chapter 6 - No flirting in the halls!

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"Okay class welcome once again to my schoolhouse!" Baldi lectured in his singsongy voice. "Today we are going to go over comparing and ordering whole nummmmbers."

The Bully raised his hand slowly and looked Baldi in the eye with a sinister smirk.

"Yes, Bully," Baldi said with fake enthusiasm.

"Can we start by comparing and contrasting that purple hickey from the pale color of your skin?" The Bully spat.

The entire class laughed uncontrollably as Baldi's face turned red and his eyes got smaller.

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Photo by: Unknown (will add once I find user)

Baldi froze for two seconds and startled the classroom when he grabbed and whipped his ruler onto the desk making a LOUD echo. He stared with a creepy smile, glancing at each of the students in the eye until the classroom fell silent.

Instantly, as if nothing ever happened, Baldi smiled with his fake teacher voice "So you see we have three signs, greater than, less than, and equal too." He smiled wider with his teeth almost showing. "ANY QUESTIONS?"

The entire class shook their heads rapidly in fear and disagreement.


"Give me something great!" Bully echoed at the Player.

Slap... Slap... Slap...

Oh no, he was getting closer! The player gave the Bully an Energy Flavored Zesty Bar. "Get outta my way, he's chasing me!" The player said in a shout-whisper.

The player ran right next to the principal's office with Baldi right behind his tail. He had only one more notebook to go!

Baldi slapped his ruler harder and harder, inching closer and closer. After all, kids gotta know math!

"No running in the halls," the principal said as he approached the player from behind him.

Baldi noticed the principal and flushed and stopped slapping the ruler. "Oh hi!" He waved wiggling his fingers at the principal.

"Oh Baldi, how are you doing!" The principal blushed.

Photo by: Unknown (will add once I find user)

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Photo by: Unknown (will add once I find user)

"Aw I'm good," Baldi tilted his head looking at the Principal with his eyes half-open. "Just handling a trouble maker," he smiled dumbly and pointed to the kid now frozen with confusion.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" Principal said looking at Baldi up and down with that damned smile. He suddenly snapped back his focus to the Player. "Now, detention for you!" He dragged the player into detention holding him by the ear.

"Ow ow ow..." the player yelped in pain.

It's a Bully, Arts & Crafters, and First Prize saw the entire episode.

"Oh my god what was that?" The Bully echoed with shock.

"I dunnah Bully, Baldi and Principals never acting that way to each others!" Arts & Crafters said with a confused frown.

"WILL THEY MARRY ME?" First Prize yelled in his robotic tone.

"No!" Bully and Arts & Crafters yelled.

"But by the looks of it, Baldi and Principal might! Hehe," the Bully snickered covering his mouth to hide the laugher.

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