Chapter 4 - Why?

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"Hehehehe thanks, daddy!" Playtime giggled loudly.

Baldi woke up to the sound of the little girl's giggling. He looked around and immediately had a pounding sensation in his head.

"Oh my god, what happened last night... That was a dream, it must have been! I mean look how clean it is in here..." Baldi thought to himself.

"Anything for my favorite little girl," Principal said to Playtime as they walked inside the house.

The principal returned from picking up Playtime and took her to the local park to try to clear his head from what happened last night.

"Oh, there's Mr. Baldi!" Playtime said with a cheer while pointing to the now sitting-up Baldi.

Principal kneeled down and put a hand on Playtime's shoulder. "Sweetheart, could you please go to your room. Daddy needs to talk to Mr. Baldi about some important business."

"Okay, daddy..." Playtime said with disappointment. Baldi eyed the small child with curiosity. He never sees students outside of work; it felt odd.

"Hi, Mr. Baldi." Playtime whispered with a weak wave as she walked to her room.

The principal cleared his throat "Baldi, can you follow me."

Baldi gulped. "Sure thing."

Principal led Baldi outside to his front porch where two plastic patio chairs and one small rounded table lie.

"Take a seat," Principal said gesturing to one of the chairs. "I'll be right back."

Baldi took a seat and flushed with embarrassment. Oh god. Maybe what happened wasn't a sick fucked up dream. Shit shit shit. "Here I brought you a glass of water to clear up that hangover," Principal said handing Baldi a cup of water.

"OH, SHIT..." Baldi thought to himself.

"Hey if I said anything last night..." Baldi stammered, "I'm sorry."

"So, you remember?" Principal asked with one eyebrow raised.

"No no no... I mean maybe a little but I completely forgot about last night," Baldi stammering once more as he put his hand on his neck rubbing it only to discover the hickey. Baldi's eyes widened as he felt the deep mark on his neck and blushed.

The principal took out a cigarette and lit it with an orange lighter he got from his pocket. He took a deep puff of smoke and let it out with a great sigh.

"I'm not upset with you Baldi, I'm just beyond taken back by this," Principal confessed while looking down at the ground.

"I really don't know what came over me if I did anything I apologize. I really should just leave," Baldi mumbled, flustered by the whole situation.

"Okay if you be honest with me I'll be honest with you. We've been through a lot in the past ten years of knowing each other." The principal shook his head with disbelief. "Why did you kiss me?" Principal said with a glare in his right eye.

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