Chapter 3 - Wine + Movie = A Hickey

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Susan hissed.

"Susan, please can we just talk," Baldi uttered.

Baldi stood outside his old house's door. It was 7:00, a Saturday morning, with a light drizzle.

"What could you possibly have to say to me?" Susan bickered.

"Please, I just need to get my belongings, and I already sent a response to the papers," Baldi said with a stern voice, holding onto the door to keep Susan from shutting it.

"Fine, I already threw your shit in the closet, just bag it up and go," Susan replied while pointing inside.

Memories flooded into Baldi's brain as he entered his house. God, why did they have to hate each other? His son was probably in his room, asleep, and there he was packing what little he had into plastic bags.

"Can I see Andrew before I go?" Baldi asked after he got all of his belongings settled.

"Absolutely not. You got your stuff, papers are signed, now get out and find yourself a new bitch to fuck," Susan yelled.

"Fine, then I will! You filthy whore!" Susan slammed the door into Baldi's face.

Something snapped in Baldi. "Hey, you fucking whore LET ME SEE MY GOD DAMN SON!" Baldi banged as hard as he could on the door.

"YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS OFF MY PROPERTY OR I'M CALLING THE COPS," Susan yelled from inside the house.

"FINE!" Baldi screamed as loud as he could and hit the door one last time as hard as he could, leaving a dent in the wooden frame.

"FINE!" Baldi screamed as loud as he could and hit the door one last time as hard as he could, leaving a dent in the wooden frame

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Photo by: baldi-pressed on Tumblr


"Baldi, please get out of the room, I know it's a Saturday, but you need to get out," the Principal said as he knocked on the guest room.

"Baldi, please get out of the room, I know it's a Saturday, but you need to get out," the Principal said as he knocked on the guest room

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Photo by: milesbaldimore on Tumblr

Baldi was crying again, but this time he was locked inside the guest room. "...Get out... I'm wallowing in self-pity..." Baldi muffled.

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