Chapter 9 - Welcome to Our Schoolhouse!

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"Okay class," Mrs. Pomp announced with a slight frown. "Mr. Baldi has suddenly... Retired. We have two new teachers and I would love to introduce them."

Mrs. Pomp stood in front of a tall microphone, with the two new teachers next to her, one on her right and one to her left. The entire class was gathered to hear such an announcement in the gymnasium.

Students sat at the bleachers, eyeballing the tall, slender woman with a frame similar to Baldi's, standing to Mrs. Pomp's right. Her black hair and sharp blue eyes gave off a welcoming, yet questionable appearance. To  Mrs. Pomp's left was a short man in an orange buttoned up shirt and yellow tie, with messy brown hair and a stout, round figure.

Mrs. Pomp adjusted her body to the right as if that was her version of pointing to Susan.

"You all might remember Mrs. Susan from a few field trips a while back," Mrs. Pomp tried to hide her wince.

Susan and Baldi fought the entire time during several field trips. Mrs. Pomp had to get Baldi out of the bathroom from crying one time during one of those episodes.

Susan gracefully walked her way forward to the microphone as Mrs. Pomp stood back.

"Helllllo!" she smiled with an ear to ear grin and a wide arm wave.

The classroom whispered in unison. Muffled voices of "isn't that his wife?" and "they look the same!"

Mrs. Pomp cleared her throat loudly and returned to the mic as Susan walked back to her spot. Mrs. Pomp tilted to her left, facing the round man. "And we have an unfamiliar, yet still a pleasure to have join our Schoolhouse, Mr. Joe!"

The entire class looked at the Bully in the furthest row back as he ducked his head into his arms out of sheer embarrassment. Joe waved and rotated to each row, smiling sheepishly.

"Now! Mrs. Susan will be teaching you subjects concerning your main curriculum... Math and Science. In addition, Susan will be teaching a new subject, theater!" Mrs. Pomp adjusted her position to face the front of the crowd with a forced smile. "And Joe will teach you P.E, history, and monitor recess."

Mrs. Pomp smirked in pride with her eyes closed. "As you know, I will continue to enlighten you towards subjects concerning English, Grammar, and Art."

She continued with a crooked smile, blinking several times. "We at Hereville Elementary are expanding our program to not only math-centered education, but of a..." she paused with her eyes squinted. "Rainbow of educational opportunities," she sarcastically added.

The entire class all had the same puzzled look. I mean thank GOD Baldi was gone. But what does a "rainbow of educational opportunities" mean exactly?

"Now without further ado, I will leave you to continue to your regular class times. Same rooms just different teachers. Goodbye class and remember—don't be late!" Mrs. Pomp left with a swift fashion outside as if she was disgusted by the whole change.

Susan and Joe looked at each other with the same smug look and walked outside to attend their classes while the masses of students left their seats.


The teacher's lounge was bleak, but at least it had a good coffee maker.

"I misjudged you, Susan..." the Principal confessed. "I didn't realize how awful Baldi treated you." He sipped his "#1 Principal" mug and glanced Susan in the eye. Joe, Susan, and the Principal were all sitting down in the cushioned office chairs at a rectangular, black metal table sharing coffee.

"Oh, I forgive you and would like to deeply and sincerely apologize for any trouble or confusion I have caused you," Susan pleaded with a hand to her chest. "As I mentioned to you before, Joe and I are only here as professionals wanting to expand education." She looked at Joe waiting for him to speak "Right Joe?"

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