Chapter 2 - After School Shenanigans

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"And that's why x = 69, any questionssss?" Baldi said with fake enthusiasm, desperately trying to make it without falling asleep.


The children looked at each other with excitement.

"School is over!" Playtime squealed.

Baldi put a hand on his hip and with the other pointed at Playtime "The bell doesn't dismiss you..." Baldi yawned and covered his mouth.

"I do," he added.

"Sorry, Mr. Baldi..." Playtime whispered.

"Now, any questions?" Baldi said and slapped his ruler in his hand.

The entire class shook their head in disagreement and fear of the ruler.

"Okay, you are dismissed. Be sure to turn in pages 30-40, both odd and even. Have a good weekend."

The entire class jolted out of their seats and ran to the door, walking as soon as they reached the halls.

Baldi looked at the empty classroom and grabbed his paperwork off the desk. Now, for what he had been dreading the most.


Baldi cleared his throat and opened the door to the Principal's office.

"Oh, Baldi! I'm almost done finishing my paperwork. Please take a seat," Principal said gesturing to the guest chairs.

Baldi held his briefcase in his right hand and took a seat in the black plastic chair, closest l to the Principal.

"So, are you sure this is what you want?" Baldi said with concern.

Principal smiled and brushed back his hair, "As much as you've helped me I owe you one favor."

"Pfff, like what?" Baldi frowned and look down.

"Like that time you helped to get rid of our pest problem. You also helped us to get our buses from that volunteer organization," Principal said with his hands intertwined.

Baldi looked up at the sky and replied "Yeah, you have a point but—"

"Oh, remember that time you helped Mrs. Pomp get gum out of her hair after Beans spit all over her..."

Baldi let out a chuckle and smirked "Oh, you got me there!"

Principal laughed and said "Yeah, her face was priceless. Only you knew what got gum out of hair!"

"Yep, peanut butter and ice cubes did the trick..." Baldi whispered.

The Principal grabbed all of his papers, aligning and stacking them together, and placed them on the edge of his desk. "Okay, that's enough work for today. And don't worry about Playtime. She rides the bus to school."


"You can stay here for now," Principal said showing Baldi to the guest room.

It was very minimalistic, with only a full bed with white sheets, along with a small closet.

"Wow! This looks great. I want to thank you for this, it's really too much," Baldi said with his hand on the back of his head.

"Don't worry about it. So when do you think you'll get your moving situated?" Principal said with his arms crossed.

"Susan kicked me out yesterday morning. She took the car and I had to bike to work. So after work, I didn't want to come home. Too face her or be near her..." Baldi sat at the end of the bed with a hand on his forehead.

The principal sat next to Baldi, "So what's your plan?"

"Well, the divorce should be settled tomorrow and next week I should have an apartment situated. I really should go back to the house and get my belongings," Baldi admitted.

"If I may ask, what's stopping you?" Principal asked with concern.

"She just threatened me with a knife yesterday and I had to remove myself from there before I hurt her or myself," Baldi added.

The principal assured, "I promise you'll be okay."

His hand accidentally brushed against Baldi's and they both made eye contact. Principal moved his hand back awkwardly and blushed.

"Uh, sorry. Well, I'll leave you here for now," Principal uttered. "Playtime will be home soon and I have to explain this to her."

"Okay! I'll get straight to apartment hunting..." Baldi sighed as he reached for his briefcase to get his laptop.

This was going to be a long night.

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