Chapter 14 - Stay

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"Nope, he left this morning, said he had a 3:00 flight to Baltimore. But he left this," the volunteer worker at the homeless shelter held out her hand. Oh my god... It was Baldi's favorite ruler.

"Okay, I understand," the Principal looked at his watch. It was 2:00. He still had time. Principal left the only homeless shelter in town as he rushed to the airport


The Principal gunned his car as fast as he could. He tried to focus on the car in front of him instead of the road.

This was the same road where the accident happened. The principal had been avoiding going this road for the longest time now, it was quicker, but that didn't matter to him.

The Principal held back tears and tried to focus on his breath, turning the music to his car louder to suppress the thoughts.


"Finally," the Principal huffed, out of breath from the running and rushing. He had just finished the airport screening.

"Time to find the flight to Baltimore... The lady said it was gate D57-77," he thought to himself as he looked at his watch. 2:59.

Principal ran as fast as he could through the several groups of people. It was the only time he'd break his rule. Finally, after what felt like centuries, he saw the gate D57-77 from a distance. Principal could barely feel his legs but that didn't matter. "Baldi!" He yelled as he waved his arm, rushing to the gate as the speaker shrieked about how it was 3:00 in seven different languages.

"Baldi!" Principal cried as he ran right behind Baldi holding a black suitcase. Baldi dropped the suitcase as soon as he heard his name and turned around to see Principal holding his knees, panting for air.

"B-baldi! I know what happened. I know everything. You're not a cheater, it was a setup," Principal got back up and embraced Baldi. "Please don't leave."

Baldi was shocked and worn out. His arms were limp as the Principal held onto him. "But... how?" Baldi rasped under his breath.

"The kids did some meddling and Playtime got Susan to confess on the announcement speaker," Principal explained.

"But... I have no job or home. I'm going to Baltimore, I need this job. I'm sorry it's too late Principal," Baldi sighed as he reached for his suitcase from the ground.

The Principal handed Baldi his ruler and held out his hand, while cusping his face. "You can stay with me. You can have your job back. If you want to go, I respect your choice..." Principal stopped as the flight attendant gestured to the crowd of people, "First class please get in line!" she hollered.

"If you must go, I understand you probably don't trust me anymore," Principal bit his lip and rubbed his neck. "But know you always have a place, here with me..." Principal hugged Baldi once more tightly, trying to remember how he felt in his arms and how he smelt as if he could replay this memory perfectly if he tried hard enough. "I love you, Baldi," Principal whispered.

Principal let go of Baldi, holding his shoulders, looking him in the eyes.

Baldi's eyes were wide and darted from left to right. Suddenly, Baldi jolted and kissed the Principal on the lips, embracing him with hands wrapping around the Principal's neck.

 Suddenly, Baldi jolted and kissed the Principal on the lips, embracing him with hands wrapping around the Principal's neck

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Photo by: amanddica on DeviantArt

"I love you too," Baldi confessed. The Principal was startled, but eyes sunk low in relief, as his arms rested at Baldi's waistline.

"Why did it take you so long?" Baldi uttered with his voice cracking.

"I was caught up in Susan's lies, but I am placing a restraining order against her. She will never hurt us again," Principal assured while cusping Baldi's face and staring into his black, bold eyes.

Baldi let out a nervous laugh, "Take me home, you foolish bastard."

"Anything for you, Mr. Right," Principal joked back, clicking his tongue with a finger gun.

Baldi ripped the airline ticket and grabbed his suitcase and Principal's rough, warm hand. Principal blushed and squeezed Baldi's hand, assuring him things were going to get better.

The two walked to the security exit, as they began to talk about the crazy adventures they had while apart.


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