Chapter 12 - Loud and Clear

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"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Player cried with emotion.

"I HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED TO DESIRE YOUR IMAGE," First Prize robotically spoke.

"Stop, stop stop..." Susan bickered. "You need to say your correct lines!"

Playtime had been squinting her eyes in rage at Susan the entire class period.

"Can I get another volunteer?" Susan said shoving First Prize out of the way.

Playtime immediately raised her hand.

Susan laughed "Okay, Playtime go ahead," she said looking forward to humiliating her in front of the class.

Playtime cleared her throat and looked at the Player, singling she was ready.

Player repeated with less enthusiasm, "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and—"

Playtime dashed to Susan's desk and grabbed the keys laying on top of it, darting out of the room as fast as she could.

"Uh—!" Susan yelled in shock. "Come back here!" Susan ran after Playtime.

The halls seemed never-ending, as Playtime ran through them. "Hurry, hurry... Before daddy catches me running in them!" she thought to herself in sheer panic.

Susan was getting closer as Playtime was running out of energy. Wait! Playtime pulled out a shiny quarter, the last one Baldi gave her before he left, and inserted it to the BSODA machine to her left. Instantly, Playtime sprayed the BSODA at Susan knocking her back to the long hallway ahead. "ARGH!" Susan furiously screamed.

"Almost... there!" Playtime huffed as she finally reached her destination. Baldi's office.

Playtime switched on the school announcements microphone at Baldi's desk. The only sound she could hear was her heart beating. Probably because of the soundproof walls Baldi installed due to his good hearing.

The door slammed open. Susan shut the door with a bang.

"There you are...!" Susan exclaimed.

"W-what are you going to do to me?" Playtime said with over-exaggeration.

"First, I'm going to get your ass suspended for stealing my keys."

"B-but you broke into daddy's home! You stole his keys. Bully told me!" Playtime interrupted.

"Hahaha... So Bully told you? I'll get to him later," Susan rambled. "Yeah, so I broke in and staged the whole Baldi affair? You should have seen that pathetic fag," Susan added.

"Who else do you have! I can take them," Playtime added fuel to the fire.

"I got Joe and the Bully under my control now too. Even Mrs. Pomp, who I threatened to tell me your plan after I found her place the tape," Susan ranted as she inched closer to Playtime.

"But why? My daddy will believe me after I tattle on you!" Playtime yelled with her arms crossed.

"Your daddy can't help you anymore. I have him wrapped around my finger. And then this entire schoolhouse will be MINE," she flashed a devilish grin as she was arms-length from Playtime. "And there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!" Susan laughed uncontrollably as she grabbed Playtime by her shoulders.

The door suddenly burst open.

"Get your hands off my daughter!" The Principal yelled at the top of his voice and grabbed Susan by the waist.


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