Chapter 11 - Playtime is Over

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"We're almost there!" Baldi exclaimed in excitement as he drove steadily on the avenue. It was a sunny day without a single cloud in the sky.

The Principal was sitting in the passenger seat, and Playtime was in the back, buckled up in a child's seat. The three were all in the Principal's black SUV, and were headed down a bumpy, repetitive road.

"Great!" The Principal said in a monotone voice, but oddly he couldn't hear himself talk from what was probably the roaring engine.

"I love you so much and I'm so happy we are together," Baldi smiled looking across at the Principal, reaching out his right hand to grasp his, keeping his left hand on the wheel.

"I love—" the Principal couldn't finish his sentence as a large force suddenly crashed directly onto the left side of the SUV pushing it directly off the road. The impact of the collision was instantaneous. Metal and dust from the airbags filled the Principal's eyes as he saw blurred gore of Baldi's body limp and broken.

The Principal gasped jolting up from out of his bed, sitting up covered in sweat. "Daddy..." he heard coming from in front of his bedroom door. "Are you okay?" Playtime whispered as she walked up to the side of the bed frame.

"I heard you scream and I ran over here," Playtime added as she leaped onto the end of the bed.

"I'm sorry for waking you up dear," the Principal snuffled and he placed a hand on Playtime's face, cusping it. "You should go back to bed you have school tomorrow," he mumbled trying to forget about what he just experienced.

It was horrifying. His wife died in the exact same way, the exact same words, the only difference was Baldi replaced her. God, why him? That backstabbing traitor... To think he could ever replace Carla from his life after she died that day—

"You had a nightmare daddy," Playtime interrupted Principal's intrusive thoughts. She placed her hands on Principal's knee. "It was about mommy, right?" she added without much thought.

Black tears began to trickle from Principal's distorted eyes. He silently cried as he hugged his daughter. "It's okay daddy," Playtime assured her father as she pat his back. "I get scared too sometimes."

Playtime grabbed a pillow from the right side of the bed and placed it on the foot of the bed. "I'm not going to leave you alone daddy, I'll sleep right here," she whispered while curling into a ball, tucking herself under the covers.

The Principal gently brushed her hair out of her eyes "thank you, but you can leave at anytime you want."

Playtime scoffed playfully "No way. Goodnight daddy I love you," she said quietly shutting her distorted eyes.

The Principal sighed and laid back in bed, glancing at the alarm clock, reading 4:00am. "God... Just two more hours." Principal thought as he slowly drifted back to sleep.


"Good morning my students!" Susan hollered, marching to the "School Rules!" poster inside the classroom.

Susan cleared her throat and reached for two precut blue pieces of paper with the words "Susan," and "Say" written on them. Carefully, Susan cut eight pieces of tape and placed the blue papers over the words "chool" and "Rule" making the text on top to appear to say "Susan Says!"

Swiftly, Susan grabbed a bright red marker from the pencil holder on the desk, scribbling large obscure writing onto the poster. She backed away from the poster and grabbed a large ruler from the desk, holding it in her left hand, pointing it to the improved poster. It read in sloppy handwriting:

"Susan Says!

I Will Succeed

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