Chapter 5 - Smokey Confession

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"I think the divorce has me acting all out of wack. For the life of me, I don't know why I kissed you," Baldi admitted while looking down in shame.

"Thank you for being honest with me," Principal put a hand on Baldi's shoulder and gave a crooked smile.

Baldi let out a nervous chuckle and whispered "Don't mention it..."

The principal looked a bit nervous himself, like he was hiding something within him.

"Well I must be honest with you Baldi, I've always felt unsure about you and your wife...Ex-wife." the Principal fessed as he took another long drag from his cigarette.

"What do you mean?" Baldi said with his eyebrows furrowed.

The principal gulped quietly "I don't know Baldi. Before you met Susan I had feelings for you." The principal cleared his throat again covering his mouth with his fist. "I never have told you that before. I knew it was wrong once you met her. I didn't want to take that happiness from you."

Baldi looked shocked, his hair almost stood up from the confession. His boss, best friend, LIKED HIM AT ONE POINT?

"Really? You liked liked me?" Baldi stuttered with disbelief.

The principal laughed nervously, "Afraid so, but I understand things have changed." The principal scratched his hair. "You have a son now. And hell, after my wife died I probably leaned on you too much. That's why I really don't mind helping you out during this fiasco," Principal explained.

"I almost wish you'd told me before I met that whore," Baldi laughed and shuffled his feet.

"So, now that, that is cleared up," Principal looked at Baldi in the eye and took another puff from his cigarette. "Did you ever feel the same for me? I mean, that could explain what happened last night."

Baldi looked to the ground and sighed.

"I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable, I just want to know the truth," Principal said as he brushed his hair back from the wind blowing it into his eyes.

"Yes... I did, I just didn't think you did the same. I thought it was weird for us to be a thing, you know co-workers and all," Baldi clenched his fist. "I still might feel that way but I don't know. You've done so much for me. And just because I'm an emotional wreck from Susan doesn't mean I want to hop into your life and ruin it, like I ruined hers." Baldi was holding back tears again, the Principal could tell.

"Baldi, you didn't ruin her life," the Principle gestured as if he was swatting something away, "she was a bitch from the start from what you've told me."

Baldi sniffled and looked away from the Principal to hide his face.

"Baldi ever since I met you, you've only brightened my life," the principal said with a soft grin.

"You're just saying that..." Baldi argued. "But I can't say I don't feel the same about you." He looked up at the Principal and weakly smiled back.

"Baldi, I want to be honest with you now. I cannot keep living through these motions of repetition," the Principal stated with his hand gesturing as if he was trying to grasp the words. "I still have feelings for you."

The principal immediately regretted saying that... "Baldi is going through enough already for fucks sake give him time to heal! I'm such a foolish selfish sick bastard—WHYDIDYOUSAYTHAT?!" The Principal thought.

"I do too," Baldi said while biting his lip and his eyes wide.

"You do?" The principal looked like a wave of anxiety had passed him. He looked calm either from just finishing his cigarette or the comforting reply from Baldi.

"Hey, listen I don't want to rush you into anything. I want you to be sure if you want or even like me in that way," the principal expressed with a straight face.

"Princi... Well is it okay if I call you that? I haven't called you that since I met Susan," Baldi said.

"Yeah, you can call me that," the Principal said with a crooked smile as he put the remainder of his cigarette in the ashtray on the round table in between them.

"Okay," Baldi let a nervous titter out. "I know you are trying to be a good friend. But honestly, I know I was drunk last night, but I still feel those uh..." Baldi paused squinting his eyes. "Feelings for you."

The principal grabbed Baldi's hands and looked him straight into his eyes, pulling him close. "You mean that. You really mean that?"

Baldi held back from gulping, "Yes, Princi, I.......I love you."

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