Chapter 7 - Bullies Can't Be Choosers

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The Bully, Joe, Susan, and Andrew all sat at the dinner table; they were eating supper at Joe's house.

"Mommy, can I have desserts?" Andrew pleaded. He was just 6 years old with dark bushy black hair like his mom. He was in kindergarten and was going into first grade the next year. He never seemed to smile... It made the Bully feel uncomfortable.

"Sure honey," Susan said as she gave Andrew a brownie from the center of the table.

"What about me dad?" The Bully echoed looking as his new, hopefully not future, step-brother.

"Fine son," Joe bellowed as he gestured to the center of the table.

The Bully continued to eat his chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes as he looked away from his dad's new girlfriend and Andrew.

"I must thank you for inviting me over Joe," Susan smirked and giggled with her hand facing downward.

"Anything for you, my love," Joe assured as he gazed into Susan's eyes.

"God, why did Baldi's ex-wife so happen to become single right when my real mom left him. She will never be anything near Mom." Bully thought.

"Uh, I'm going to my room," Bully echoed as his dad and his girlfriend began to hold hands and gaze into each other's beady eyes.

No reply from them as he went up the stairs and into his room. Full of blue carpet and walls painted with little clouds... His real mom painted those. He had a small wooden desk to the left of his bed with a matching wooden chair with a rounded frame. The walls were full of posters of the latest action movies and shelves nailed to the wall with several figurines of cowboys and spacemen.

The Bully sat on the end of his bed and grabbed his phone from under his bed... His dad thought he had it but he stole it back... The old fool.

He opened up his messages.

"Playtime this is so weird." Bully send to Playtime.

"What is? 😳" she sent back instantly.

The Bully winced his face. "My dad is dating Baldi's ex-wife 😒"

"WHATTTTT?" She sent back.

"I know it's so wrong" Bully sent back with a slight frown.

"I know how you feel because Baldi moved in with daddy and me" she sent back.

"They keep looking at each other funny and laughing at the stupidest jokes 😬"

The Bully's eyes widened as he laughed uncontrollably. "Oh my GOD," he covered his mouth "Baldi and the Principal ARE DATING?"

"Omg for real?" The Bully sent.

"Yesssss omg it's so weird!!! 😣" Playtime sent.

Knock knock.

"Son, I need to talk to you," Joe said as he entered the room. "Hey! I thought I grounded you from the phone."

The Bully tried to hide the phone behind his back but it was too late. "Dad I'm sorry—"

Joe grabbed the phone. "Texting girls? Just like your old man," he said with a short puff of laugher.

"Dad, DAD—youllneverguesswhatifoundout!" The Bully echoed with his words mashing into each other.

"Son, calm down! What's wrong?" Joe said as he sat down in the wooden desk chair next to the left of the bed. He was scared he'd have to give 'the talk.'

"Baldi and the principal are dating! And like they are super gay," he said regretting saying that because gay was a bad word in this household. "I mean—like Playtime told me Baldi is living with the Principal. Like they keep flirting in the halls!" Bully stammered as if the more he talked the further from the punishment he'd get.

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