Chapter 13 - Where is he?

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"Answer me!" Principal yelled as he shook Susan.

Susan's eyes appeared to look into space with shock as she failed to respond or react to the now frustrated Principal.

"Ugh—" Susan said as she snapped back to reality, shaking her head.

The Principal grabbed Susan and placed her into Baldi's old office chair. He turned the announcement's speaker off and looked at Playtime, rushing to hug his daughter. "I love you, dear, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, but please leave. Daddy is about to say some things you shouldn't hear," he whispered. Playtime hugged him back as tight as she could "I love you too daddy," and broke the hug, darting away from the office, shutting the door slowly.

The Principal immediately twisted his head back at Susan, who looked like she just saw someone die in front of her. "Principal—" she squeaked.

Principal inched over to Susan, crossing his arms in anger. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he spat. "Don't you have a son, life, or any reason to live outside of Baldi's life?"

Susan pursed her lips looking to the ground. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Principal demanded. Susan looked up at the Principal clasping her hands tightly.

"I want to know where Baldi is. Where is he?!" The principal cried as he pointed at Susan.

"He... Uh...." Susan stammered.

"WHERE. IS. HE." Principal commanded for the very last time.

"Last time I saw him he was walking into a homeless shelter—" she replied quickly, biting her lip.

The principal closed his eyes and took a deep breath, realizing he was getting too aggressive. "Okay, listen. I want you to never step a foot in this schoolhouse, my house, or anywhere near Baldi AGAIN," he demanded with his fists clenched.

Susan nodded her head rapidly.

"I'm placing a restraining order on you and Joe. The Bully can continue to come here, but only if Joe takes him," he added. "Now, I have the right to press charges against you for breaking and entering. I won't do it, but only one condition," he pointed once more at Susan, "get professional help."

"W-what?" she whimpered with her hand covering her mouth.

"You can't be happy or healthy..." Principal added. "You need to get psychological help or something and if you don't... I will press charges against you," Principal sternly scolded.

"F-fine," Susan stuttered with her arms crossed.

The Principal rushed to the announcements speaker and pressed the red button. "Attention Hereville Elementary: This is your Principal speaking. I need to request Mr. Sweeps to my office immediately. That is all, thank you," he announced briskly, shutting the microphone off.

Gotta Sweeps bashed through the door as soon as Principal turned the speaker off.

"YES, SIR MR. BOSS SIR!" Sweeps bellowed loudly, startling Susan.

"Yes, I need you to escort Susan and Joe out of my schoolhouse. And can you substitute for Susan? And get Mrs. Pomp to wrap up Joe's final class," Principal instructed with his hand on his chin.

"YOU GOT IT, BOSS! GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP!" He yelled as he grabbed Susan, rushing out of the office. "Ahhhhhh!" Susan screamed following Mr. Sweep.

"Now, time to find Baldi," the Principal thought to himself, knowing it wasn't going to be easy.

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