#4 I'm glad I came (Grayson Dolan)

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'(Y/N) your grades are really bad when are you signing up for extra lesson' mr Malcolm said to me. Soon I yelled out running out of the classroom. This is going on for a couple of weeks now and I'm just bad at history. It's so stupid like Abraham Lincoln already died why do I have to learn about his life. I was always interested in the history of all kind of things, but things have happened that's why I hate to look in the past. I live in the future. For example my dad died a couple of years ago, and that's one of the reason I don't want to think of the past. It give me bad memories. Anyway I'm currently sitting in a classroom, having my favorite subject which is Science, when the principal took me out of the class. '(Y/N) we've told you this so many times already, your grades for the subject history are very low and since you don't want to sign in we're taking away your science lessons out' the principal said to me. You can't do that, that's not fair. He looked at me and told me that it was my own fault. I walked into his office and he signed me in. mr. Dolan is wating for you in classroom 315. I walked to the classroom, I was very pissed. I walked into the room without saying anything to mr. Dolan. He turned around and I was shocked. He looked really young, but really young .'well hello miss (Y/L/N)' he said checking me out. I started to blush. Hello mr. Dolan and just call me (Y/N). 'Well (Y/N) let me introduce myself. My name is mr. Dolan and I'm 19 years old and I give extra lessons on different schools' he said smiling. Woah 19 years!!!! Thats so young. 'How old... uhmm I mean how young are you' he said chuckling. I'm 17 years old. We talked for a good 10 minutes, when he started the lesson. It was my final lesson so I decided to stay a bit longer. 'And in 1945 The second world war ended' we talked about everything and for the first time I understood something of history. 'Listen (Y/N) you're gonne get a good grade for the upcoming test don't worry' he said while he placed his hand on mine. Thank you Mr Dolan 'Please call me Grayson' alright Grayson thank you for helping me. 'Anytime' he said winking back at me. I walked out of the class to see my best friend leaning against the lockers. 'I see that's why you didn't went to science' she said pointing toward mr dolan's classroom. Haha really funny. 'I have to say that he looks really cute (Y/N), you guys seems to be hit it of immediately' she said winking. Shut up and let's study bitch. 'Ummh miss (Y/L/N) language' he said stern at me. I'm sorry mr Dolan I said pouting my lip a bit. He came really close a.d whispered: (Y/N) please don't do that, it's really attractive. I looked at him and he licked his lips. '(Y/N) are you coming or what?' She asked looking weird at me and Grayson. I started to walk towards her. When i walked beside her I turned around and saw that Grayson winked and me I blushed and we walked out of the school.

*Grayson's P.O.V*

She is so nice, so cute but most of all she is funny. When she took notes I couldn't stop myself from looking at her. I noticed that she has amazing green orbs with brown dots, not to many. God I can look into those eyes for and eternity. I explain everything she had to know for the upcoming test which is tommorow. Whenever I told something she nodded. I saw that she understood it. I assured her that she was gonne get a good grade for the test. Mr. Malcolm and I made the test together and I made sure that the question were based on everything I've told her. I know that I'm not allowed to do but it's just one time though. It was already 6 o'clock when I went home. I decided to order a pizza." Hello this is pizza delivery (A/N: I could come up with a name) how can I help you" the lady on the phone said. Can I have one pizza pepperoni. " coming right up". I waited and after 30 minutes the doorbell rang. I ran in my short pants to the door. Thank yo oh hi (Y/N) I didn't know you worked here I said looking at (Y/N). 'Hi miste... I mean Grayson, I just started working here' she said smiling. God her smile is to die for. Please come in. 'I'm sorry Grayson but i have to make a lot of deliveries before I'm done' she said look a bit disappointed, but I'll come another time ok she said shy. Aawh your so cute. 'Here I'll give you mine number' she said confident. She gave me a hug which made me relax immediately. I let go and went inside. I ate the pizza and it tasted delicious. I hope (Y/N) tastes so good too. Why the fuck did I think of that. I went to bed and fell asleep.

*Next day*

I woke up, took a shower and made some breakfast. It was 9 o'clock. I made my way over to the television and decided to look spongebob. What, is a 19 year old boy not allowed to look spongebob. All of a sudden my phone started ringing, I looked at and (Y/N) pop up on the screen.

Phone conversation: G: Grayson Y: Y/N

G: hello girl

Y: hello Grayson I need to ask for you for a favor .

G: anytime, what do you need?

Y: well mr. Malcolm is sick and that means that we don't have the test today but next week.

G: that's perfect right ? Now you can study even more

Y: I don't want that. I already learned enough.

G: so what fo you want me to do then?

Y: can you please take the test?

G: (Y/N)

Y: please, if i get a good grade I'll come over ok.

G: I'm on my way.

I grabbed my stuff and my car keys and went to school. When I walked into the cafeteria I saw the class of mister Malcolm. 'Alright everybody who has history of mr Malcolm got to classroom 315. Everybody got up and walked to the classroom only (Y/N) stayed behind. 'Thank you so much Grayson, what would I be without you' she said happily. I walked with her to the classroom. 'Alright everybody sit down fast do we can start the test. I handed everyone their papers. When I gave (Y/N) her paper i mounded a 'good luck'. She smiled and said thank you back. The test started and I couldn't keep my eyes from (Y/N) she looked at me and smiled. That girl is driving me crazy. When there were like five minutes left everybody handed their papers in, except for (Y/N). " (Y/N) I'll wait for you at your locker" (Y/N) friend said. 'No, just go I you in the class' she said a bit nervous. "Owh I see have fun you two" she said looking at me. I have no idea what's she is talking about. After 10 minutes when everybody left me and (Y/N) chatted a bit. I took a look at her test and I told her that it looked good. When the bell rang and the lesson was over I walked with her to her next lesson. I'll pick you up after school yea. 'Kay, kay seen you then bye' she said waving her hand. With that I went home. I cleaned up and for 3 hours, I'm not saying that my house is a mess but the first impression is always the best. I went back to school and picked up (Y/N) this is gonne be awesome.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The whole time I was thinking about Grayson. He is so nice and a cutie too. ' so you an Mr Dolan he' (Y/BFF) mouthed to you. He is like 24 and you're 17 that doesn't go with eeachother. Wtf he isn't a pedophile, he's 19 years old which means that i'm 2 years younger I said screaming a bit. 'Woah girl take it easy, anyway do you want to be with him' she said looking serious. Omg (BFF). 'Yes or no' she said not turning her gaze of me. Yes I think. When the bell rang my best friend mouthed have fun tonight and use protection. As loud as I could I screamed WHAT THE FUCK in her face. I walked outside and saw Grayson in a beautiful range rover. 'Hi girl' he said smiling wide. Hi boy. He opened the door for me and quickly went over to the drivers side. With that he drove off. After what seems like 15 minutes we arrived at his home. When he opened the door for me and let me in I was flabbergasted. The boy is 19, living on his own and his house is so beautiful, just like him. 'Do you like it' he asked looking a bit nervous. I love it Grayson. Instead of learning we talked, it almost looked like a date or something. All of a sudden Grayson grabbed my phone and he didn't wantes to give it back. 'Catch me of you can' hes started to run when he tripped and fell on the floor. Me being my normal clumsy self I fell on top of him. We stayed in that position. When he moved in closer and kissed me on the lips. Soon things got wilder and it became a make out session. After a couple minutes we stopped. 'WAOH you're fantastic' he looked at me full of love. Grayson i'm so glad I came .

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. I broke my promise. It's Wednesday and the chapter suck and it just bad. I made this story with my friend, because she is fifteen and in love with er teacher who is 19. IT SUCKS. Anyway im so sorry for this chapter. Next week gonne be a better story.
New story Tuesday i promise


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