#11 Thanks for everything

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(A/N: I noticed that there was a problem with publishing the story, here is a part, I don't have any at the place where I am, so I won't be uploading till Tuesday. Sorry for the person who I promised it.)

My name is (Y/N) I'm 14, I was born in Spain and now I'm living in America. I'll tell you how I ended up there. Well my mom and dad didn't liked me so they had a plan and that was leaving me behind. They didn't do it in Spain cause I know Spain and I always find my way back home. So my dad took me on this "trip" to America. I was super excited cause America has a lot cute and good looking boys, I thought I might see 1 or 2. When we were almost in America my dad gave me 2 pills. Sleeping pills. I asked him why I had to take them. He said that if I didn't take them my jetlag could be very bad. I of course believed my father so I took them after that I fell asleep and I didn't remember a single thing of the flight.
It was dark when I woke up , with a major headache. I didn't knew where I was , how late it was, nothing. I didn't even know if I was in America. I tried to get up, but of course with no success. So I decided to just sit. I looked around me and saw that I was in the woods or something the only thing I saw were trees.
So right now I'm still here, living in the woods with only my suitcase with my clothes I brought from Spain 4 months ago. One time I saw this elderly couple walking in the woods and I asked them where I was and they said that this is New Jersey. I've been living in the woods in New Jersey for 4 month now. The first couple of months were very hard for me cause I had nothing to protect myself, every time I heard a weird noise I would climb up in a tree or hide behind the bushes cause I didn't want to get raped or killed or whatever else. You are probably wondering how I survived without any food and water. Well that easy. I found a river nearby were I would wash my clothes and sometimes (when I'm really thirsty) I cook some water out of the river and let it cool down again and then I drink it. Yeah and you all know that fire is needed for that, it not hard to make fire.
So it's been 4 months and 1 week now and every day I saw these two boys coming here. The first days I would climb into the tree cause I didn't know if they were a treat to me or not. After 3 days I just hid behind the bushes cause I saw that the boys were from my age I guess and that they wouldn't hurt me right? So it was the time of the day now that they would come here, so I hid behind the busses to observe them again. 'Ethan you're so annoying, gosh' the one said with a wisp of blonde hair. I know knew that one was called Ethan. 'That is so rude' Ethan said. The way he said it made me laugh, which was really stupid. 'What was that' Ethan asked. 'It sounded like a laugh or something' the other one said. 'Let check it out Grayson maybe it something cool' Ethan said. I now knew that the one with that blonde piece of hair name was Grayson. I tried to walk away slowly but then I stepped on a twig. They both looked in the direction of the bushes. Shit. It felt like they were looking me directly in the eyes. I just froze in place there was nothing that I could do anymore. They moved closer and closer and that's when I saw their heads. 'Gray it's a girl' Ethan said pulling at Grayson his shirt. 'Yeah I see that' Grayson said removing Ethan's hand from his shirt. Grayson walked over to me and sat next to me. 'Girl what is your name' Grayson said shaking me a bit. It felt like I just couldn't speak anymore, so instead of answering in English I answered in Spanish. 'No me toques, déjame en paz' I said loudly (Don't touch me, leave me alone). They looked at each other and they started to laugh. 'Ethan do you understand her she isn't speaking English' Grayson said. 'I know I think it's Spanish.' Ethan said looking at Grayson. "Uno, doze , tres, quarto, cinco, sinco, seize" they both screamed at the same time. I laughed so hard they really looked stupid. All of a sudden I relaxed a bit and I got my knowledge back so I started talking to them. 'You guys are really stupid sometimes, I like that' I said smiling. 'yeah the whole world knows that' Ethan said sitting next to Grayson. 'The whole world what do you mean with that? 'I asked raising my eyebrow. They looked at each other and laughed. 'Well we are pretty famous, we are viners and we also make videos on YouTube so..'Grayson said scratching the back of his neck. 'seriously that awesome'. 'We haven't even asked what your name is' Ethan said sticking his hand out. 'I'm (Y/N)' I said shaking his hand and Grayson's. 'That a beautiful name, one you don't hear very often, well I am.....' before Grayson said his name I said his name and Ethan's name. They looked at me with a smile on their faces. 'how do you know our names, do you know us, are you a fan of us' Ethan said still not believing that I knew his name. 'I been here every week and I heard you guys scream each other's name every time, I certainly don't know anything of you, only your names and that you guys are famous nothing else. You see I don't actually live here, I was born and raised in Spain.' I said looking away feeling very sad. 'ooh so you're here on vacation or something, well then you can tell all your friends in Spain to check us out. The Dolan Twins that's who we are' Ethan said while giving Grayson a high five. 'Well that's the funny part I'm not here on vacation I live here' I said showing them the woods. 'yeah we live here too in New Jersey, it's amazing' Grayson said looking around. 'well it getting pretty late we should go home, right Gray. Oh (Y/N) where do you live we can walk you home if you want' Ethan said standing up. I suddenly felt nervous, I didn't wanted to tell them that I actually live here in the woods. 'No I'm alright you guys can go' Grayson looked at me weird: '(Y/N) it's almost 7 aren't you parents going to be worried'. I shook my head. 'Well we are not leaving you behind so come on' Ethan said helping me up. I couldn't do anything else than say that I actually live her. 'Guys I can't go with you' they both stopped walking and stared at me. 'Why not' they said at the same time. 'cause I - I live here. I live here in the woods, you see' I said pointing towards my suitcase and my bed of leaves. They looked at each other and they just nodded. 'Well you can't live here so we decided to take you home and give you some food and let you fresh up and stuff' Grayson said grabbing my suitcase. We walked out of the woods. We walked in silence, I didn't wanted to say anything. When we reached their house they opened the door and led me to the living room were their sister sat. 'Hey Cameron, this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Cameron' Grayson said. 'It's nice to meet you' she said smiling. I felt extremely uncomfortable, cause these two boys just took me into their home and introduced me to his sister and parents. Ethan walked with me upstairs to the bathroom. 'Just take a shower, it'll make you feel good, we will be waiting for you' he said closing the door behind him. I locked it and sat on the floor, replaying everything that happened. When 3 minutes past I went over to my suitcase and grabbed some clean clothes that I'd saved for the past 4 months. I took a nice, not long shower which made me feel reborn you could say. I quickly dressed and looked at my hair. God it was a mess. I took my brush out of my suitcase and brushed it. Finally after 4 months I felt good again. I went downstairs to see Cameron watching TV and Ethan and Grayson on their phones. I sat next to Cameron and watched hat she was watching. She looked at me and smiled. "Guys diner is ready". They all went to the table and sat down. '(Y/N) come eat something' Grayson said pointing to the chair next to him. I sat down and started to eat. "So (Y/N) you also live in New Jersey" their mom asked. I shook my head and told the whole story. She looked at me in disbelief and said: Those 4 months must have been awful, I suggest you say here with us. I almost choked on my food. 'I can't stay here with you guys" I said shaking my head. They didn't take no as an answer so I stayed with the Dolans. '(Y/N) you can sleep in my room' Cameron suggested. 'Where are you gonne sleep then' I asked her. She explained that she had a spare bed or something in her room. We walked over to her room and just talked about all kind of stuff, which was really fun. After talking for over 1 hour we decided to go to bed.


I'm soo sorry for stopping this story. This isn't done yet but this was the only day I could upload something. What I had noticed was that the story wasn't complete. That was a mistake of me so here is actually, but not fully story number 11. Tuesday I'll be uploading the rest of this story and of course a new one. Thanks for you understanding.


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