Life Is Worth A Living: Part 2

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I was frozen. I was sitting on the couch and I just didn't now what to do. Meanwhile Peter started to knock even harder on the door and I was afraid that it would break. It then when I realised that I needed to go away cause if he catch me right now I'm probably going to be dead. I quickly ran to my room and grabbed my bag and phone. I went down and just waited for Peter to break through the door while I was waiting at the door that would led me to the garden. When he broke through I quickly dissappear into the garden. I could hear him scream and shouting my name. I walked around the house to my car and searched for my car keys. When I found them I hopped in my car and sped off. I tried to call my sister but she didn't pick up. I left her a voicemail saying to get her ass home before she gets robbed. I wanted to leave town I just wanted move away from all this drama. But if I do that I have nowhere to stay and all my money is basically home. But what if I just go home right now and get all my money and the rest of my clothes and just disappeared for the rest of my life ? I like that idea but what if Peter is home waiting for me. I'm taking the risk tough. I turned around on the highway and went straight to my house. I did parked my car 2 block away just incase. I practically run home. I opened the door and all the light were out. Good Peter isn't home yet. I decided to not switch them on. I went upstairs and used my flashlight of my telephone to search all my things. I litterly grabbed all my clothes. I was done and I went down. I opened the door but then I remembered that I didn't take my money. So I run back upstairs to search where I left the money. I ripped of the carpet of the floor and tried to find the hole were I left it. I just couldn't find it. For a minute I wanted to just let it go but I worked super hard for it and it was a lot. I quickly turned on the light and soon I found the hole. I took all the money out of it and switch off the lights again. I walked to the living room and putted the money save in my bag. I openedy front door to go away but then my heart stopped. Peter he was standing there looking angry than ever before. 'Where do you think you're going' he asked with this cold dark look on his face. 'I-I'm lea-leaving I said sounding really scared. 'That not gonne happen' he said walking closer to me which made me back up into the house again. That wasn't the way I planned it, not at all. He kept walking closer to me and that's when my back hit the wall. He snatched my bag out of my hand and looked in it. He threw all my clothes on the floor including all my money. When he saw the money he totally went nuts. He raised his hand and slapped me across my face. It was so hard I got so dizzy that I lost my balance and fell on to the floor. He then lowered himself to my level and started to stroke my hair. 'Poor little bitch, you thought you could run. Where did you wanted to go to our nozy ass neighbour' he said still stroking my hair. 'D-don't touch me' I said softly, so soft that I couldn't even hear myself. 'What did you say' he said while he stopped stroking. 'Don't touch me' I said now louder. He took a fistful of hair and pulled at it. I screamed in pain. 'You don't want me to touch you. That's too bad I'll keep touching you till you die. Your a bitch and I need to taught you a lesson' he yelled in my face. He once again grabbed my hair and dragged me upstairs. I was crying and screaming and kicking and everything fell on the floor. He dragged me to the bathroom. He basically kicked the door open and threw me on the cold white tiles. I crawled to the corner of the bathroom and looked at this terrifying monster that's trying to kill me. I wish that someone could come and wake me up from this terrible nightmare but I knew that that wasn't gonne happen. The sound of his shoes clicking on the tile gave me chills. He reached me and I tried to make myself as little as possible but no matter how little I made myself it wasn't gonne protect me from Peter.And that's a fact cause he kicked me in my stomach with his shoes. Probably so hard that I'm not gonne be able to have children. I was screaming in pain. He kept kicking me and I could hear cracking noises. After the fourth time he stopped kicking and he sat down in front of me on his knees. He looked at me with the biggest smirk I've ever seen. I was screaming so hard that even my ears were hurting. I just couldn't stop screaming and I saw that It was working on his nerves which isn't a good thing but I couldn't stop. It felt as if my mind was telling me to stop screaming but my voice didn't. He was going mad. I just kept screaming maybe he would go away. He then grabbed his weapon and pointed to my face. 'SHUT UF YOU STUPID ANNOYING MOTHERFUCKER' he said pulling the trigger of his gun. I was so convinced that he would leave but when I saw the pistol I was so scared and he saw that cause once again he had this stupid smirk on his fucking face. '(Y/N) you stupid bitch you always do that to save your stupid ass and guess what it's not happening today. I'm actually very happy that you did that cause if you hadn't done that I wouldn't take my pistol. I'm so glad that you did that now we can play my favorite game: Answer the questions or....' he said stroking the pistol over my body parts. I followed it cautiously afraid of what he might do. ' I see that little girl is afraid of the gun. That's perfect for the game. So let's set up the rules. Rule number one: You need to answer all the questions that I'm asking you and if you don't obey, which is rule number two, I'll shoot you somewhere on you're body' said putting bullets in the gun. 'PETER YOU CAN'T DO THIS' I said desperately. He just laughed. 'Okay (Y/N) the first question is gonne be an easy one. What did you write down on the note' he asked looking amused. I couldn't even speak because of the kicks I honestly think that he broke all my ribs in my body. 'Tik Tak the clock is ticking (Y/N)' he said stroking the pistol over my body to see where he could hurt me the most. 'It-It s-said that I want to divorce You' I said through gritted teeth. 'Ding ding ding, you had that one right. Okay so the next question is going to be a little bit harder. Who's fault is it that you want to divorce' he said raising his eyebrow. ' It's your fault fucker' I said screaming softly. He shook his head. 'That wrong (Y/N) it your fault'. He pulled the trigger and shoot. I screamed but I didn't felt a thing. 'That was your escape, you just used it so if you answer the the upcoming questions wrong I'll shoot. okay third question: did you talked to Ethan and ask him to help you' he asked looking at me with this cold dark look. The questions that he's asking me they don't make any sense. 'N-nooo, just let me go' I said sobbing. He didn't even reacted he just went on to the next question. 'question number four: Do you love me' he asked loudly. I can't give in I rather die then to be with someone I don't love and who abuse me every single day. 'No' I said simply. He violently shook his head. 'Your wrong, here comes the pain' he said aiming on leg and before I knew it he let the gun go off. 'AAAAAAAAAAA' I screamed so hard that the other side of the world must have heard it. I was crying and screaming he shot me in my leg. The blood was flooding out and you know what's even worst I couldn't breath normally. 'I'm gonne ask you one more time do you love me'. 'NO I HATE YOU I HOPE YOU ROTT IN HELL' I screamed with the last power I had. 'No no you love me. YOU LOVE ME'. He shot me twice. One in my leg and the other one in my shoulder. I wanted to give up. Let him win I can't do this anymore.

*Ethan's P.O.V*

It was a normal Saturday night that I like to spend with some ice cream and music. Not music with boys who constantly sing about girls or girls that sing about boys. Just some house music. Which I really like cause nobody is singing about bullshit anyway I'm here just sitting on my couch looking is there something in the television that is amusing but nothing just movies that I already seen. Boring. I was just enjoying my ice cream when I got a message from this Miranda girl that I met who is living a couple blocks from my house. She is a doctor so we never got time to go on a date. I did ask her if she wanted to go but her schedule was just so busy. She texted me that she was free tomorrow and that she wanted to hang out with me. I was busy with replying back when I heard a sound. It sounded like a gunshot or something. But that was probably from the music. So I replied that I would see what I could do. So we ended up texted for a couple of minutes but soon got interrupted by once again the sound of gunshot. It wasn't from my music cause the song was over. I texted Miranda that I had to go. I went outside with my bare foot and looked If I could see some police light or anything. I decided to call the cops already just in case. I was planning on going back inside but then I saw that the door of (Y/N)'s was wide open but it was dark except for a small window upstairs which is probably the bathroom. I slowly walked inside the house and grabbed a knife just incase there was somebody that didn't belong here. I kept quite and slowly looked in the livingroom, spare room but noddy was there. I did hear sobs and someone talking but nothing special. I wanted to walk out of the house till I heard another 2 gunshots after each other. It was coming from upstairs. I sprinted the up the stairs and I heard the sobbing turning into screams. What the Fuck is going on in this household. I looked in their bedroom which was a mess everything was laying on the floor. The only place where I didn't go was the bathroom I ran to it and opened the door. (Y/N) was laying on the floor in a puddle of blood. Peter was holding a gun and was aiming for her stomach. I grabbed his shoulders and tossed him across the room. 'Well well well there is our nozy ass neighbour again. Stay out of my business before I'll hurt you too' he said getting up from the tiles. 'Leave her alone. If she want to divorce You because she doesn't love you...' I said raising my voice. He got so mad because I said that it wasn't normal. I was actually a little bit scared. 'DON'T SAY THAT SHE LOVES ME'. With that said he tried to stab me with a knife where does he get does weapons from. He kept swinging violently with the knife and he did hit me a couple of times. When I tried to dodge away his attack he cut me across my cheek and it was bleeding. I wasn't paying attention anymore and he took advantage of that cause he took me in a stranglehold with the knife on my throat. 'Haha Ethan you're nothing I think I'll kill you both' he said pushing the knife harder on my throat. PANG. Next thing I know he dropped on the floor and hold his leg. I looked at (Y/N) and she was holding the gun. Peter stumbled back from the pain and he lost his balance so he felt down and hit his head against the sink. He was out. I was super relieved. When I heard that the gun dropped on the floor I rushed over to (Y/N). ' (Y/N) stay with me, don't give up I'll call someone' I said pulling my phone out of my pocket. With the last strength she had she talked to me. 'Ethan please don't. I don't want to be saved' she said softly. 'No you can't, you have a whole future ahead of you, you can't just give up' I said trying to change her mind. 'Listen Ethan I'm glad that you stopped Peter from hurting me. You almost got killed yourself. I don't want to live like this anymore. He will go to jail for god knows how long and if he comes out he'll definitely kill me. So please Ethan let me go. I beg you' she said so soft that I couldn't hear her clearly. At the end of the day it's her decision and she lost so much blood that I can't do anything but to let her go. 'Okay (Y/N)' I said but she didn't reacted. I shook her but it was done she was dead. The police arrived and they came upstairs. They took Peter with them. They wanted to take me with them too but I couldn't leave (Y/N) here alone so I called Miranda. She came immediately and called the ambulance. She told me that she would took care of her.With that I went with the police to the office were they cleaned my wounds and they let me in the interrogation room. They asked me all sort of questions like if I had an affair with her, if I killed her and all those other bullshit questions. They did believe me and let me go. If I just went sooner to their home (Y/N) would still be alive. When I walked out of the room I saw Peter walking by me with this evil look and this smirk on his face. He's dangerous.


This week's story . Hope you all like it. I'll be starting with school upcoming Monday so that means that the stories will be up on Tuesday again


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