#16 One Day

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You know what it is like to be black? Let me tell you this, you have no idea how it is to be like this. Let me just say one thing I love to be black, that right I'm Michaela and I love to be black. You can describe me as a happy girl and helpful cause I love to help people wheter they like me or not. There are some people that don't like black people, but I don't care. The people who think that just weird and disrespectful people. Anyway let me tell you about a recent event that happened at my school.

My mom send me to a school were everybody hangs out with everybody. Except for the people that are in my class. I'm in a class with white people and let's say the whole class is against me and even the teachers. I do have white friend and I love them, I don't hate white people not at all. Believe me. So I had English and once again I sat alone in the back of the class when the headmaster came in with a boy. 'Hello everybody say hi to your new classmate. He will now introduce himself' he said patting his back and walking out of the classroom. 'Hello everybody my name is Grayson, I'm 15 years old and I just transferred here so yep' he said making eyecontact with all of us. 'Well hello Grayson welcome to your new class, you can sit down wherever you want' the teacher said continuing setting up everything for the lesson. You could hear people ask if he wanted to sit down next to them but he just kept walking to the back of the class. 'Do you mind if I sit next to you' he asked me. I was shocked. 'Umh Ye-yeah sure no problem' I said removing my bag from the chair. You could hear people whispering why he was sitting next to me and stuff. 'Hey I'm Michaela by the way' I said taking a quick glance at him. He said hi and we continue listening to the teacher. 'So I have task for you guys. I want you all to write an assignment about somebody else his live. So that means you have to partner up with somebody and since Grayson is new here he can pick somebody first' the teacher said grabbing a piece of paper and a pen to write the names down. Everybody was pleading him to go with them but then he said this. 'I would like to work with Michaela' he said looking at me and sort of asked me for my permission. I nodded my head. 'Why would you want work with her' the teacher asked him. 'Wow Rude much' I said a little to loud. 'MICHAELA IF YOU MAKE ANOTHER STUPID COMMENT YOU CAN SAY HELLO TO THE PRINCIPAL FOR ME' the teacher said screaming. Grayson looked at me and he was just shocked. While the teacher was continuing to write all the names down Grayson asked me what that was for. I just shrugged my shoulders and continuing to make notes. When the bell rang it was lunch time and time to meet my best friends. I walked to my locker and took my books out for the next lesson and placed them in my bag. I was on my way to the cafeteria when I saw Grayson walking around like a lost puppy, which was actually really funny. 'Grayson looking for something' I asked him walking closer to him. 'Oh hey Michaela what makes you think that I'm looking for something' he raising a eyebrow. 'cause you look like a lost puppy searching for something. The cafeteria is that way' I said pointing my finger to the door that said cafeteria. He looked at the door and just laugh. 'Haha I'm not stupid of course I knew that pff, Tss of course' he said making wild gestures with his hands. I just shook my head and started to walk over to the cafetaria. 'Grayson are you coming or what' I said raising a eyebrow. He he tightened his backpack and we walked into the cafeteria. I walked to our usual table where my friends were. Jessica, Anna, Marie, Marisol, Bryan, Logan and Mike. 'Hey guys I want you to meet my new classmate Grayson' I said introducing him to my friends. He said what's up and we all just started talking. The start of a new friendship. The rest of the day I spent sitting next to Grayson in class and the time flew by. When the bell rang he walked with me to my locker cause he was busy telling me a story. When he was done with his story he quickly went to his locker I told him that I would wait outside for him. While I was waiting my friends came to me. 'Hey Michaela were is Grayson' Logan asked. I told him that he would be here in a second. Me and the girls talked and the boys talked till Grayson came. He said hi to all of them and asked me where I lived. I pointed to the left side from the school. 'Oh I need to go to the right side, guess I'll see you tomorrow' he said hugging me and all the other girls and went with the boys to the right side. I walked with Marie and Marisol home and we just talked out our day. When we reached the street were we all lived in Marisol and I said bye to Marie and then I said bye to Marisol cause I live on the end of the street. I opened the door with my keys and said hi to my mom and dad and went upstairs to put down my bag. I then went down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and let myself fall onto the couch. 'Hey honey how was your day' my dad asked sitting next to me. I've never told them about the teachers being rasistic but I only tell them the positive things. Cause I know that if I say that to my dad, my parents cause a problem and I probably need to search for another school, I don't want to leave my friends. 'Well dad a new boy named Grayson just came into my class and he is really nice' I said taking a bite out of my apple. 'Oooh Michaela is he a cutie' my mom asked joining the conversation. My dad gave her the 'are you kidding she is still young look' and she just lifted her hands up in defence. 'Anyway the teacher from English gave us a task to write an assignment about somebody else his live and Grayson asked me to partner up with him so he'll come over tomorrow' I said finishing my apple. 'Ooh excited I can't wait to meet this boy' my mom said clapping her hands. I don't know why she is that happy. I mean Logan, Mike and Bryan came her all the time. I told my dad and mom that I would upstairs to do my homework. It took me about 40 minutes to finish my homework and when I was done I send a text message to Grayson with my address and how late he had to come here. We continue texting each other until my mom called me to come eat. Today we ate pizza, man I love pizza. After dinner I helped my mom cleaning up and took a shower afterwards. I prepared myself for bed and I yelled a quick goodnight and hopped in bed. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

*Grayson's P.O.V*

So the class that I'm into is so weird everybody is against Michaela what I don't get cause she is a super nice girl. Anyway she asked me to come over to her house so that we could start with the task the teacher gave us. She told me to come around 12 o'clock so that we could go sit in a park. So right now I'm on my way to her house and it was a not super long to walk so that was good. When I reached her house I rang the bell to be greeted by her mom. 'Hello ma'am, my name is Grayson' I said politely. 'Well hello Grayson, Michaela talked all day about you so I knew you were coming' she said walking inside the house. I walked with her in the house and she told me to go to the living room so that she could call her. I sat down and just stared around and I saw a lot of pictures of her and her family. I also spotted a picture of Michaela when she was little. 'Hello Grayson' she said also walking into the living room. I gave her a hug and she then told her mom that we would leave. 'Well ma'am it was nice to meet you' I said before Michaela pushed me outside. 'What was that for' I asked her when we started walking to the park. She looked at me and just continue walking. 'I heard you talked all day about me, can I ask what you say about me' I said smirking a bit. 'Did my mom told you that, that I was talking about you all day long. It's not true I only said that there's a new boy and that I was gonne work with him. You don't have to feel special right now. ' she said laughing. I had to laugh to cause the way she told it was extremely funny. We arrived at the park and we sat down on the grass and she took out her note book and a pen. She gave it to me. Let's start. Michaela told me about her life, her personality and I kept listening cause it was really interesting. She told me that she always help people even when people don't like her. And that she doesn't care that everybody in the class is being rasistic cause she has the best friend in the world and stuff it was actually really cool. 'So yep that my story, I can't wait to hear yours' she said rubbing her hands impatience. 'Okay so my name is Grayson dolans I have a twin brother named Ethan and a sister named Cameron. Ethan and I were born on the same day. He is 20 minutes older then me. I was actually dead when I was born.' I said looking at Michaela who wrote down everything and how she listen and show her emotions. When we were done with writing everything down we made a couple of selfies for the cover. I said to Michaela that I would typ down everything and that I was gonne finish it. She offered to do it but I refused. It was 3 o'clock and we started to walk back still talking and laughing and just having a great time basically, until we reached her doorstep. 'Well Grayson I had again a very good time see you on school Monday' she said giving me a hug. 'Yeah see you on school oh and say hi to you mom and dad' I said realising the hug and walking away. After again a walk of 20 minutes I was home. I went straight to my room to make something beautiful. When I was done it was 5 o'clock and it looked amazing I was really happy. I send Michaela some pictures of it and she went crazy about it. I can actually say that in one day I made a very good friend. Who knows what the future holds for us cause I can honestly say that I've never met a girl like Michaela before and she's amazing. I only now her for one day and I can actually day that she is my best friend. I love her.


I hope you liked it @thatmickeydoe ☺

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