#17 Life Is Worth A Living

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No...no...no....Please Peter don't hurt me. Please, I beg you. No..no..no not again. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

There is this couple that lives right next to me, the woman's name is (Y/N) and the men's name is Peter. They are happily married, well that's what everybody says. I honestly think that they aren't normal. There is something odd about them. I haven't actually spoke to them or anything I just saw them on this party that was organised by the neighbourhood. What I did notice was that (Y/N) never left Peter his side. I guess that's true love. Anyway this one day I heard somebody scream and glass breaking so I got concerned and I went over to their house. Peter opened his door not fully but enough to for me to see him and him only. 'What are you doing here' he asked breathing heavy. 'Well I heard screaming and as if glass fell down I thought something happened' I said trying to peek inside the house. 'Well my dear wife dropped a glass into the floor and that made her scream, there is nothing to worry about. I don't wanne send you away or something but I would like to continue training' he said without any emotions. I nodded my head and walked back to my house. The man is weird it gave me chills.

*(Y/N) P.O.V *

I can't live like this anymore. Getting beaten up every damn day by a men I don't even love. When I was younger I saw a couple of movies were women were getting beaten up and it's then when I intended not to live a life like that, but here I am getting beaten up by my husband every day. This one day somebody rang the bell. If that person didn't rang the bell I probably would me dead. And I know that that person is living next to me. I wish I could thank him but he would get suspcicious and that's gonne cause more trouble.

Today Peter left early to go to his work. He is a police officer so when he's slapping me and stuff I can't repot him cause they wouldn't believe me. Anyway
I decided to do some groceries shopping to get my mind of things. I walked through the store to get everything I wanted to buy when I saw my neighbour Ethan. First I wanted to avoid him but then I thought about last night so I went over to him. 'Hello it's Ethan right' I asked sticking my hand out. He shook it and nodded his head. 'Nice to meet you, my husband didn't like the way he acted yesterday so he asked me to invite you over for diner tonight, if you are okay with that of course' I asked him hoping that he would say yes. He thought about it and for a minute I thought that he was gonne say yes. 'I'm sorry (Y/N) but my I already have plans maybe another day' he said hopeful. 'Umh yeah sure you can call me, here is my number, you can always come over' I said giving him my number. I was kinda disappointed that he already had plans but it is what it is. When I left the store I went home. I cleaned the house a bit and when I was done I relaxed a bit. I'm so happy Peter has to continue working till late night. That means that I have all the time to cook and get myself ready for bed. I'm gonne try to sleep early so that he doesn't beat me today. I ate around 5 which is a bit earlier then usual and then washed the dishes and took a shower. I wore my pyjamas and then went to the bedroom. I hopped in bed and just stared at the ceiling. I hope he leaves me alone for one night. But of course that's just a dream cause around 11 o'clock I heard Peter scream my name. '(Y/N) where are you' he yelled which sounded like he was crying. I couldn't pretend to be asleep cause he was making a lot of noise. I silently went down to see him in the ground with a bottle of vodka in his hand. 'Peter what are you doing' I asked quietly afraid of what he might do. 'H-honey come here, I wanne make love to you' he said touching me all over my body. 'Stop it you're drunk' I said trying to stop him from touching me. I made eyecontact with him and his eyes were black, something I haven't seen before. He grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs. I tried to get out of his grip but it didn't work. 'Let me go' I screamed as loud as possible, but he continue dragging me upstairs. When we reached the bedroom he opened the door and threw me on the bed. I tried to run but he immediately jumped on top of me. He started to touch my face and leave wet kisses all over it. He then ripped of my pyjama. Right now I was only in my undergarments. He ripped of my onderhemd. He looked at my breast and kisses it violently. I tried to move his head but he slapped my hands away. When he went lower he first started to kiss my legs. I couldn't help it but to kick him, which wasn't my brightest idea cause he hit me with something hard on my head and everything turned black.

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