#7 I Had Everything I Wanted

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So me and Grayson have been together for over 7 years now. And I'm currently 26 and grayson he is 28. He means the world to me and he gives me a lot love. We've just purchased a house were we live in on our own. That means doing things you usually do in a relationship. I'm talking about having sex. Did we have sex? Yes we did, a lot of times, and I love every second of it. Well mainly because Grayson shows me that he loves me. So it's not that he wants it because he needs it but just because he want to show me that he loves me. Passionate sex. We always use protection but the last time we had sex we didn't. Don't ask me why but we just didn't use it. So I'm currently hanging above the toilet vomiting again, the third time this morning. "(Y/N), I don't trust this, I think you should go to the doctor" Grayson said once again while rubbing my back. But I just thought that I had ate something wrong and that it would just go away and that's exactly what I told him. He once again shook his head and said that he hopes I'm right because he doesn't like seeing me hurt.

The days past and I still didn't felt good. Let's just say things got worst. I kept on vomiting and I started to lose my appetite. And you could see that Grayson couldn't hold it anymore, so I gave in and we made a appointment at the hospital which is today sadly, I don't know what's wrong with me and I'm terrified.

~Grayson P.O.V~

Bae are you coming we are gonne be late, i yelled while i putted on my coat. Today we had to go to the hospital to find out what is wrong with (Y/N), so I'm very nervous. 'Babe can you please come upstairs for a quick second' she said in a sad tone. Me being the concern men I went upstairs. What's wrong honey, I said before I was in our bedroom. 'Can you please carry me to the car' she said while pouting her lip. When she did that I broke, so a beautiful girl in so much pain. I hate to see her suffer I really do, to show her that I care I decided to carry her to the car. When I lifted her up I noticed that she got skinnier, which is not weird because she barely eats. I opened the passenger sides door and carefully putted her on her seat. I buckled her belt but she didn't sat as a normal person who would sit in a car. Bae what's wrong, why don't you lean against the seat. 'It hurts Grayson, it hurts' she said looking at me. I let the car door on her side open and quickly ran back inside to grab a pillow. When I walked out of the house I finally heard her giggle. Man I've missed that giggle. 'Why did you bring the pillow' she said while pointing towards the pillow. It's for your back babygirl. I placed the pillow between the seat and her back. She carefully leaned back. 'Aaaah it's so much better' she said while giving me a kiss on my lips. I closed the car door and made my way over the drivers side. I buckled my seat belt and started the car. Hospital here we come.

After a car ride of 30 minutes we finally arrived. I first got out of the car to get (Y/N) a wheelchair. She ofcourse didn't liked it but her back hurts and I don't want to make it worse. I gently putted her in the wheelchair and pushed her to the entrance. Hello I have a appointment at 1 pm. "Okay please take a seat in the waitingroom" the lady behind the desk told me. We took a seat. After 10 minutes a women came out. "Miss Dolan" the doctor called. I saw that (Y/N) was looking at me and I started to blush a bit. Believe me one day she'll be MS. Dolan.

"So (Y/N) you made an appointment for what cause" the woman asked her.

(Y/N) then explained what was wrong with her. She told that she has to vomit all the time, that she has lost appetite and that her lower back hurts alot. The doctor kept on nodding her head to show us that she understood it. "When I hear that woman are having these problems I always ask: When was the last time you guys had sex" she said raising her eyebrow. I looked at (Y/N). 'Like 3 days ago' she said looking back at the doctor. She stood up and walked over to the door. "I'm gonne see if the room is free and I'll let you make a sonogram. 'What a sonogram for what doctor' she said looking confused. "(Y/N) there is a slightly chance that you are pregnant" she said serious. (Y/N)'s eyes shot directly to mine. 'Pregnant' she said while putting her hands over her mouth. The doctor closed the door and me and (Y/N) were alone in the room. Babe are you okay, I said looking at her. You could see that she was in shock. 'Grayson what if I'm pregnant, we aren't ready for a baby and you know that' she said while a tear fell from her eyes. I know she is right, a baby would change everything. 'Grayson our parents aren't gonne like this at all' she said while sobbing a little bit louder. Shhh baby it's gonne be okay, let's just wait and see what the sonogram says. How calm I tried to sound you could still hear the nervousness in my voice. The one thing that on my mind was the way we were gonne tell this to my and (Y/N)'s parent. I'm dead meat right now. After 5 minutes of calming down (Y/N) the doctor came in the room to say that the sonogram room was free. I lead (Y/N) in the wheelchair and pushed her to the elevator. On the 5th floor we had to get out. "So (Y/N) if you could please lay down for me" the doctor asked polite. she then explain that she can be pregnant, but she could have something else too, and right know I just don't hope that it's something bad. I helped (Y/N) on the bed and sat down to hold her hand. She looked at me and I gave her a reassuring smile. "Okay (Y/N) I'm gonne put a sort of gel on your stomach, It may be cold. When she had putted the gel on her stomach (Y/N) looked at mounted so fucking cold. All of a sudden we heard a little heartbeat. 'Omg Grayson, that's our baby' she said while there felt a tear from her eye. I know babe, I said giving her a kiss on her hand. "So we'll make another appointment to see if the baby is healthy and what gender it is okay" the doctor said smiling. We walked to the front desk, made an appointment and left home. To be honest I'm really happy that's she's pregnant because our live will become different and our relationship will be a lot stronger, I'm not saying that our relationship isn't strong but you know.

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