chapter two

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It's 2am, you went to sleep at around midnight, well tried to. Thor kept you awake again. You added 'see Stark about getting soundproofing in Thors bedroom' to your endless to do list that you were procrastinating in your head. After attempting to sleep for 2 hours you gave up. Lying and staring at the ceiling was a waste of your time anyways.

You debated picking up your phone, but you didn't know if you were in the mood to read the never ending instagram comments about how your supposed to be living your life, or scroll monotonously for hours through tik tok to watch 13 years olds dance to songs from 10 years ago. After lots of debate in your head you decided to head to the gym, what use was sleeping if you had nothing to do tomorrow?

When you got to the gym all the lights were off and you shivered at the cold. You hadn't even considered bringing a hoodie. You shook it off and turned on the treadmill to a slow pace, you figured starting slow and building your way up to a sprint was the best way to go. As you started running your body temperature started to rise and you quickly got into the flow of the fast paces.

Realising you'd left your phone in your bedroom you ran in silence with no music, boring I guess but this meant you could properly concentrate on your pace and breathing.  All you could hear was the sound of the air conditioning and the puffs of air coming out of your mouth.  You were so concentrated you barley heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming from behind you.

Abrupt the treadmill you were running on came to a sudden stop and you came stumbling off the end.

"What the fuc?-"

You look in front of you and see him dressed in the same shorts and shirt as earlier on in the day... Well... Yesterday, it was 2am of course.


You stood up off of the floor and dusted yourself down. Your shoulder hurt a tiny bit from the fall but it's not like you were going to show him that.

"Your on my favourite treadmill." He said bluntly.

"They're literally all the exact same." You replied, gesturing to the row of around 20 treadmills all in front of a large pane of glass looking out over the city.

"Sure, but this is the only one without a light directly above it. I don't see the reflection of myself as clearly if there is no light above me."

'Selfish asshole' You thought, rolling your eyes.

"Find another treadmill, Barnes."

"Make me, Cat." He replied, taking a step forward closing the gap in between you.

The closer he got to you, the more uncomfortable you felt. You didn't want Barnes in the same room as you never mind having the ability to feel his breath on your face.

Without really thinking you pushed him from his chest, but he didn't move. He stayed strong in his position only a few centimetres away from your face. He didn't even flinch.

Instead the force you used caused you to stumble back slightly, watching the amusement on Buckys face grow.

"Piss off Barnes." You mumbled, sitting on a bench press behind you and taking a sip of water.

Bucky put the plug back into the socket and powered on the treadmill he pushed you off of previously and started to jog.

"What where you even doing here?" He asked.

"I could say the same about you." You replied.

"I asked you first."

"What are you, five?"

"104 actually."

You rolled your eyes. Again. This man caused you to do that facial action a lot.

"You never answered my question." He adds. "Why are you here?"

Should you answer him? Or should you just full out ignore him to annoy him even more.

There was no reason to why you disliked him so much, well there was, he was arrogant, selfish, irritating, and always got under your skin. Both of you became an Avenger around the same time and despite this you still never really 'clicked.'

Nat had joked about how you would become best friends and leave her alone, she said you would grow close due to the fact you were both new to the job. But it was the total opposite, you can only remember one day where you actually had a civil conversation, the day you both became official Avengers. Both of you spoke about how tough the job may be but how you were excited to get started. That's all. Nothing really exciting.

Ever since then everything became competitive, who could run the fastest? (Bucky obviously he's a super soldier,) who could win the most bored games? Who could get to the breakfast cereal before the other (you won that one this morning)

"I couldn't sleep Barnes. Not everyone has a room on the other corridor next to silent sleepers." You groaned and stood up off of the bench press you were using as a chair, ready to leave. Barnes had spoiled your late night gym session by walking his annoying ass right into the room.

"Sleep is overrated anyways." He replied, still on the treadmill.

This man was running at full speed and still hadn't shown to be running out of breath. Supersoldiers were amazing.

But not necessarily him. He was far from amazing. Very far.

"So what's got you up in the middle of the night, Barnes?" You asked, not expecting an answer.

He turned the treadmill off and slid off it with ease. Returning to the position he was in a few minutes before, only a few inches from your face and looking directly into your eyes. He must have thought it was intimidating, which in fact it was. "I couldn't sleep either. Guess that's the only thing we have in common."

Bucky then left, swiftly sauntering out the room, all of that commotion for 5 minutes on a treadmill.

Just so his face wasn't the last thing you looked at before you attempted to sleep again, you walked the long way just to avoid walking passed his room.

Out of all of the bad things that have happened on your time in the Avengers compound, Barnes getting pleasure out of infuriating you was definitely one of the worst.

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