chapter four

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Possessed. That was your conclusion. Barnes had possessed you into agreeing to this utterly ridiculous so called 'assignment'.

Another conclusion that you also came to was that he had also been possessed, why would he even agree to this assignment, considering your history together of hating each other you were genuinely shocked that he was voluntarily willing to sit in the same room as you for the entirety of a movie. Well if you could call it voluntary, in a way Steve and Tony were forcing him.

But still voluntary, he could have just refused. He has 'my best friend is the co-leader of the Avengers' benefits, really he didn't have to do anything he was told.

So yes, voluntary. Bucky Barnes had somewhat volunteered to watch a movie with you, and you fully intended to find out why.


"I hate you, you know that."

Bucky Barnes stood in the games room with his best friend Steve, competitively playing each other at a game of pool.

"You better not have gotten yourself into another dumb situation and blamed me for it."

Bucky sighed and hit one of the balls on the pool table with his cue, not that it mattered, but he was winning and Steve was starting to get pissed.

"Except this time you HAVE gotten me into a dumb situation and i am FULLY putting the blame on you for it."

Steve laughed, and took his turn of pool, completely missing any shots and loosing to Bucky even more.

"I got Cat." Bucky continued, "For that stupid team building thing."

Steve took a chug of beer out of the bottle he had sitting on the coffee table and rested the pool cue against the wall.

"Hey! I love Cat." Steve insisted.

"She's just..." Bucky let out a deep breath. "She's just insufferable."

Steve chuckled. He looked at his friend who had moved from his stiff position next to the pool table, to a laid back position on the sofa. Buckys' arms were tucked behind his head as a headrest, and his legs were crossed and hanging off of the arm of the sofa, because he knew if he put his dirty shoes on it he would get a hard time from Steve.

Steve also thought about Buckys lack of uhm... Let's call them 'people skills.' He sometimes found it difficult to adapt to other people and socialise normally. Both of them had grown up around each other, and while Bucky was more popular due to his looks and charm, he didn't use popularity option because he always chose to protect Steve.

Steve and Bucky were buy one get one free, two for one, a double package. If you wanted one of them, the other was always going to be there too.

People didn't want Steve, at school they thought he was weird, and all the girls naturally went for Bucky. And sure, Bucky DID get the girls, he went through various girlfriends, many dates, and even attempted double dates with Steve (but he always ended up swooning Steve's date too.)

Even passed all of this Bucky still lacked social skills, he was so used to Steve as company that as soon as anyone else was an option he turned them down, because he was just so used to having only Steve as company. Anyone who challenged him or disagreed with him he disliked. You were a great example of that.

Both of you were trained assassins, Bucky genetically modified but you were naturally skilled.

While bragging about killing people was one of your least favourite things to do considering you hated your previous life- You and Bucky couldn't help but argue about psychical skill.

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