chapter six

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Steve and Nat left in the Quinjet early that morning for a head start on the day. Tony left for a press conference and none of the other Avengers were anywhere to be found.  You hummed a tune you had stuck in your head as you walked towards the lounge area to watch some TV.

"Didn't picture you as a Taylor Swift fan." A voice came from behind you.

You realised you had still been humming to the song, a song which happened to be 'fifteen' by Taylor Swift.

You turn around to greet Bucky who was holding a takeaway starbucks coffee cup he had gotten after his morning run.

"Didn't think of you as one either,  Barnes." You replied.

It amused you that Bucky didn't just identify the Taylor Swift song, but also paid enough attention to what you were doing TO identify it. Noticing that made you smile a little... On the inside though, you had smiled enough because of Bucky the past few days- It has to stop.

"Cat- I have a name, you know... You should use it sometime."

Bucky sat down next to you, and you moved up right to the end of the sofa so neither of your legs had to touch.

"I mean, I've only ever heard you call me Barnes." He finished.

"Alright James, I'll switch it up a bit." You smirked.

He glared at you.

"No, not that." He said seriously. "Just Bucky, just call me Bucky."

"Yeah well- I have a name too."

Bucky smirked, he could play this game too.

"Na. You'll always be Cat to me."

"And you'll always be Barnes." He replied.

He laughed and stood up and began to walk out the room.

"I hate you, you know that?" You said, catching him before he left the room.

"No you don't." He replied before disappearing out of sight.

And he was right. You didn't hate him, in fact he REALLY was starting to grow on you. The few hours you spent watching movies, and all of the other smaller conversations you had had since then had really made a difference on the strained 'co worker and nothing else' relationship you had tied yourselves down to.

When you genuinely thought about it, you seen Barnes as a possible friend in your future.

You couldn't find anything good on the tv, everything on Netflix looked either shit, or was something you were saving to watch with Steve on your Friday night movie nights. You watched three of those shitty Halmark movies that look like they had been made on a 100 dollar budget before you finally gave in and went looking for company.

Everyone looked like they were still out, and the only person that you knew for sure that was in the building was Bucky.

You stopped walking outside the gym, where you saw the shadow of him in the corner.

"Look Barnes, I can't find anyone and your my last resort. I'm bored and need something to do."

Bucky put down the weights he was lifting and looked up.

"Kinda busy, Cat." Bucky said. "I know i'm goodlooking, charming and fun to be with, but I have plans."

You laughed sarcastically.

"You do not have plans, now get your ass up we are going out."

"I don't 'go out'" Bucky said sternly.

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