chapter eight

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When Bucky calmed down, you left and went to your room. He needed some alone time but didn't want to say so because he didn't want to seem ungrateful for your help, you sensed this and made sure he was okay before leaving.

Now you were lying in bed watching stuff on Netflix, nothing interesting, you couldn't get the thoughts about Bucky out of your head.

Bucky was too tired to do anything useful, but too awake to try and sleep again. He didn't want to try and sleep again, he didn't want to sleep ever again. He knew he would have to eventually, but he planned to stay awake as long as psychically possible. Seeing himself hold a gun to an innocent persons head and not being able to do anything about it hurt more than anything else in the world. He was so grateful that you were there to help him. But he was so utterly embarrassed that he had let himself become so vulnerable in front of someone he barley knew. While he would avoid saying it as much as possible, he had so much respect for you, you knew exactly how to act in the exact situation and he was thankful you were willing to to do that for him.

And he realised he had been too out of it to properly thank you, he was sure that had muttered thank you, but nothing like what he believed that you deserved. And now he felt awful.

You had just turned on the first episode of Stranger Things when you heard a knock on your door. No one ever knocked on your door. Nat would just walk in, and anyone else would send you a message through your phone or through FRIDAY.

"Come in?" You said warily, it was 10pm and you didn't know why or who anyone would come at this time.

"I'm sorry for coming this late." Bucky poked his head through the door.

"No no don't be sorry, Barnes. It's fine." You said, giving him the gesture to come in, and sat up in your bed. It had been a few hours since you last seen Bucky, and comforted him, you just hoped that he was okay.

"I just saw that you left your hoodie so I thought I'd bring you it-" He walked in and gently placed it on your bed.

"Thanks." You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and softly smiled at him.

"It's no problem." He replied and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait-" You said quickly, without thinking. "You can stay if you want?"

Bucky smirked and looked at the TV.

"Depends on what your watching?"

You laughed and gestured for him to come and sit on the bed next to you.

"Stranger things." You replied, "It's about this girl with powers, I've seen it before but I thought I'd rewatch."

"Sounds alright."

Bucky walked over and lay on the bed, surprisingly neither of you were uncomfortable lying next to each other, and you lay down next to him, pulling the heavy duvet over you both.

"Thank you." He said quietly, making direct eye contact with you.

The TV light reflected off of his bright blue eyes and the closeness of both of your faces made butterflies flutter in your stomach. This is the second time Barnes had made you feel like this, and you were starting to not completely entirely hate it.

"For everything." He continued. "I know we are 'supposed' to hate each other or whatever, but I really appreciate your help. It means a lot, no one has ever done that for me before."

"Don't worry about it, Barnes, it's nothing really, and I've been there before- I know how you feel."

He just smiled at you., before shifting his gaze back to the TV.  You didn't move your gaze though, you couldn't stop looking at him, the way his mood has shifted in just so little time, just a few hours. He seemed so comfortable and calm now, whereas earlier he was a shaken mess. You couldn't help but smile at the man beside you. He also wasn't even that bad looking- Sure you were more into blonde guys, but you had to admit Barnes was kinda hot.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." Bucky joked.

He turned to you, a smirk wide on his face. And there it was again, both of your faces only inches away from each other, you giggled. Most girls would be embarrassed if a guy said that to you, but you couldn't help but laugh.

Your laugh, your laugh made him feel warm inside, like he wanted to hold you close and never let you go. He didn't feel like that often, but he felt more and more towards you everyday. At first Bucky thought it was just a feeling of enjoying your company, but he now worried it was becoming something more.

Your laugh made him laugh, and his laugh made your head spin. It was like everything around you just melted away, and it was just you and him against the world.

You sat up and moved the pillows so you could sit in an upwards position, and Bucky copied you and done the same.

"Hey, Cat." He said, your gaze meeting once again.

"Yeah?" You whispered softly.

Buckys eyes darted between your eyes and your lips, you bit your lip and held your breath your eyes meeting his. He leaned in closer to you and cupped your cheek in his hand.


Buckys face moved closer towards yours.

"Hey Cat? have you seen Bucky I need to-" Steve burst through the door causing you and Bucky to leap apart. Tension filled the air and Steve threw his hand over his mouth, witnessing the entire thing.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry." Steve yelled out. "Uhm... Continue? Ahh I'm sorry."

Steve ran out the room and slammed the door shut, apologising on his way out.

Buckys soft blue eyes connected with yours again, this time not filled with love and desire, but looking at you apologetically.

"I'm sorry I should..." He whispered, climbing out of the bed and running after Steve, leaving you on your own to try and process what had just happened.

You nearly kissed Bucky fucking Barnes.

But you didn't.

But you wished more than anything that you did.

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