chapter three

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A week passed since you had the unfortunate encounter with Barnes in the gym. You had spoken to him only once since then, and avoided each other as usual.

You had been on one mission, well if you could call it that. Hydra had been suspected of new laboratory work, and word on the street was that it was to be dangerous, possibly a new weapon. You were sent with Steve to investigate but you found absolutely nothing. Not even the lab they were using, it was a total failure.

Since there had been no other missions. No other action.

Sure, it was good when there was no crime going on in the world, but that meant rarely leaving the tower. You didn't have any friends outside of the Avengers, so it's not like you could pack a bag and stay at someone's for a few days. And even if you did have friends, you were always on duty, even on your days off. If Cap or Tony said 'get your gear on, we're leaving' you had to oblige, it's just the way your job worked. If you were told to run into a burning building you had to. It's what you signed up for.

Honestly running into a burning building sounded not too bad right now, it was way more action than the 'top 10 ugliest puppy' videos you were watching on youtube. As much as you loved being an Avenger, and helping people, you always had that sense of being trapped lingering with you. Unless you wanted your trip to target on the front page of every newspaper in the state, you were staying in your room- watching dog videos and staying out of the way of other people trying to avoid human interaction you just couldn't be bothered with.

"Y/N, you have been requested in the conference room by Mr Stark."

Fridays voice echoed throughout your room, and caught you off guard. You weren't in the mood for Tony's exasperating speeches, you would have needed at least another 10 hours sleep plus at least 6 shots to be in the mindset for that.


Everyone was gathered in the conference room, all apart from Tony, who was the one who called you here in the first place.

As soon as everyone because restless from waiting on him, Tony burst through the double doors and sauntered towards his seat at the head of the long, oval table. He wore sunglasses inside and a suit and tie, you know, the usual 'Tony Stark' attire.

"Always a grand entrance, Stark" Natasha commented.

Nat wasn't seated, she stood towards the back of the room, out of everyone's way. It was almost like she hid in a shadow, out of view of everyone else.

Bucky Barnes however, took an entirely different approach, he sat slouched in his chair using the table as a footstool, he wore a leather jacket and jeans and had shaved since you last saw him.

As far as you knew he hadn't been anywhere exciting, he must have just brushed up his appearance out of boredom. Not that you cared or whatever.

"Why are we here, Stark?" You asked.

Tony placed a leg on the table and started to explain, using hand gestures and a black pen which made him look very in control (much to Steve's annoyance.)

"Well, Cap here decided it would be a good idea to work on some 'team building'"

The way he said team building was almost mimicking Steve, which made you smirk a little. Tony and Steve's never ending feud was one of the funniest and more entertaining things to happen your whole time being an Avenger.

"Team building?" Clint interrupted. "What are we, five?"

A few people started to roll their eyes, sure it was a stupid idea, but you had been out of real action for a while and you weren't fully in sync as you had been a month or two ago.

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