chapter thirteen

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The walls were dark, grey and depressing. Everything smelled of blood, copper and dampness. And all that could be heard were the heavy footsteps walking on the metal floors. Otherwise it was a deafening silence.

A man dressed in black from head to toe, greasy black hair and black gloves walked up holding a clip board and was walking towards you. Yes, you. You didn't think you'd die that easily, did you?

"Apocalypse." The man read off of his clipboard. "Thirteen, foundation, guarded, aggressive."

You grabbed your gun and shot the metal wall infront of you, not piercing it- but creating a large enough dent that showed damage. You shot another, and another and another. Your perfect aim hit the same part of the wall each time. You didn't feel anything as you shot, you just done it like the man said. Everything happened naturally, you didn't think twice, as soon as he spoke those words you instantly knew what you had to do, you knew what you were born to do.

"Perfect. Everything still works." The man said, tucking his clipboard away and smirking slightly.

The man dragged a chair over to you and sat across from you. Your dark, almost lifeless eyes stared at him, waiting on instruction. His eyes hand hints of evil in them, this man was the definition of pure evil.

"This." He said, holding a piece of paper up to you. "Is Tony Stark."

You nodded, having no memory of your old friend.

"I need you to get me something from him."

It was the night of the trampoline park, you had went into a bakery and got a chocolate brownie, Bucky at the time said he didn't want any.

You didn't believe that, you just thought his old man ass didn't know what it was.

You both had been strolling through the park together, mostly in silence but enjoying each other's company.

Bucky was enjoying your company more than you knew, his stupid crush or whatever it was.

He couldn't help but notice how your hair shone in the evening sun, and how your smile was so wide it would lighten the mood in even the largest of rooms. You were beautiful, you were amazing, you were perfect.

"Give me a bit of your cake." Bucky said, eyeing up the brownie you had in your hand.

"No chance." You smirked, popping another piece into your mouth.

"Come on, Cat." Bucky said, reaching for a bit, but you quickly moved your hand away, laughing a little.

Your laugh was the nicest thing Bucky had ever heard, it made him feel warm inside, it made him happy and it made him feel at home. It made him feel loved.

"Give me some."

"Make me." You tested.

"I will." Bucky smirked

He tackled you to the ground and balanced on top of you. His heartbeat sped up at how close he was to you, and your wide grin made him smile too.

"Is this enough." He joked.

You shrugged and broke a bit of your brownie off and threw it into his mouth.

"Finally." Bucky smirked.

Stories of you and Bucky ran through his head, he was trying to preserve every memory of you he had, the good ones and the bad.

"Get Barnes' ass out of bed. We need his knowledge in the conference room, now." Tony ordered Steve, who nodded and made his way to your old room where Bucky was still spending his time.

"Buck, I love you but you need to get up, and change your clothes. I would say get in a shower but we don't have time." Steve commanded, bursting open the door to see Bucky lying in your bed staring at the roof.

"What do you want, Steve?" He signed and rolled over so his head was practically buried into the pillow.

"I think something important has come up, Stark wants us right now. He looked worried."

"He always looks worried." Bucky replied, rolling back over in the bed.

"I'm serious, Bucky." Steve said, running his hands through his hair, not knowing much else he could do to help his friend.

"Fine, fine." Bucky agreed finally, almost falling out of bed and slipping his grey shirt off, and replacing it with a skin tight white one.

"Hurry." Steve said sighed, before leaving the room and making his way to the conference room.

Bucky was hesitant, he didn't want to work, or have anything to do with his work right now. But he couldn't help but think that this isn't the life you would have wanted him to have. You helped him with his mental health problems so much and he was slowly slipping back into his ways before he befriended you. He knew you would have wanted him to get on with his life the best that he could.

"We're just waiting on Barnes." Tony said, clicking his pen at an alarming rate.

"He'll be here." Steve reassured, his gaze on the door every few seconds.

Bucky walked through and Nat immediately stood up, embracing him in a tight hug.

"How are you doing?" She asked him softly.

"Better." Bucky replied, before sitting next to her and giving all of his concentration to Tony.

"Now that we are all here." Tony said, before pulling up security camera footage.

"What's this?" Bucky asked.

"You tell me."

The footage showed a person, fully armed, walking into a government laboratory, killing at least 8 people in seconds without any hesitation whatsoever. It looked like a girl, average height in a skin tight black suit, and hair just below her shoulders. Tony tried to do a face recognition search, but there was no hope as she wore a mask covering the majority of the bottom of her face. All you could see were her eyes, but they were blurred because the security footage was bad quality. Even Tony's highly advanced tech couldn't work this one.

"Is that?-"

"Another Winter Soldier?" Tony finished for him. "Yes."

"Who is she?"

"I have no idea."

Bucky slumped back in his chair as the footage played on loop.

The person he loved just died, and now all of these memories from his past were flooding back because HYDRA had created another one of him, another Winter Soldier.

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