chapter fourteen

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"Bucky?" You groan as you try to sit up. There's blood everywhere, and your pretty sure your arm is broken. Your vision is blurry and you let out a scream of pain as you fall back to the ground, close to loosing consciousness.

"Help." You whisper, before letting out a painful moan.

You couldn't remember where you were, or how you got here. All you seen was Buckys' face in your head.

Where you dying?

You close your eyes and take a deep breath and try the best to ignore the pain you were in. The blood running down your face, the shrapnel cut into your legs and the numb arm that you couldn't move without screaming in agony.

"Miss Y/L/N." You slowly, painfully, turned your head to where the door of the room once stood.

A man dressed in complete black looks down at you, a needle in his hand.

"Don't worry. Everything will feel better soon."

You feel the needle in your arm, and you try to resist it, but the injury's were too much and you had lost a lot of blood.

There was nothing you could do.

You lost.

Bucky was interacting with people more now, it may have taken him 3 weeks but the team understood. Steve understood what it was like to loose the love of your life, and he was helping Bucky through it as much as he could.

Steve took less missions to hang out with Bucky in the games room, which Bucky appreciated. Spending time with Steve really calmed him down and made him feel better. He enjoyed the captains company, but not as much as he loved yours.

Sometimes they would talk about you, Bucky would laugh at the stories he would tell from before he knew you, but sometimes he got upset knowing Steve had known you for so long and, even though Bucky and you had known each other for a few years, the past few weeks were the only ones that really mattered, in those weeks he had fallen head over heels in love with you.

He fell ridiculously fast and ridiculously hard, and he for sure wasn't planning on getting up anytime soon.

"Do you believe in soulmates." Bucky asked one day, you on his mind.

"I dunno Buck, I think if two people are there at the right time and they're right for each other- anything can happen." Steve said honestly.

"I just." Bucky said, stumbling on his words, "I just miss her so much."

Steve smiled sadly and pulled his best friend into a hug. "Me too, bud. Me too."

Steve couldn't help but think about how messed up everything was, how messed up everything was for Bucky. He lost everything- years of his life, his (almost) girlfriend, and now it seemed like he lost a part of himself.

Steve would do anything to trade places with Bucky, he was his best friend and he cared about him more than anyone else. Bucky was a good person, an amazing person. He didn't deserve this. No one should have to go through this pain. Especially not Bucky.

"You want us to go after her?" Steve asked, a shocked look on his face. "We don't know who she is, or where she is."

"See that's the thing." Tony replied, once again pulling up an image on the screen of the new Winter Soldier.

Buckys face tensed, as he watched the winter soldier kill more people.

"She looks powerful." He spoke up.

Everyone was gathered in the conference room again, Tony was trying to convince the team to take on the new Winter Soldier, the amount of kills she had made in the past few days was too dangerous to let her on the loose for any longer.

Direct instruction from the Government said that the Avengers were to end this. They didn't care if she was dead or alive, they just wanted to get rid of her before any more attention was brought to her and so that the media wouldn't find out.

The less the public knew, the better.

"I say we get in, shoot her, get out."

Buckys eyes darkened.

"Last time we done a 'get in, get out' mission, Y/N died." Bucky glared at Tony.

"This time will be different." Tony argued back.

"How so?"

"I can feel it."

You strode through an outdoor market, mask on your face, machine gun in hand. Anyone that got in your way or protested against your presence got shot. It was what you were ordered to do, so you obeyed those orders.

You sat in a chair, in a high security HYDRA base, staring at the wall infront of you. You had lost all sense of your past identity. You were the Winter Soldier now. Nothing more, nothing less.

"She's a highly skilled and trained assassin with super soldier serum now running through her veins as of five days ago." A bearded HYDRA agent said, looking at your files from a computer. "She's now our greatest weapon. She's invincible."

After being injected with super soldier serum after being found when the bomb went off, you had forgotten everything. Everything about being an Avenger, everything about your past, your friends, and Bucky.

Everything about yourself had been taken away from you. You were now a mindless, soulless, HYDRA weapon. You practically weren't even human anymore. Everything that made you, you, was stripped away. You were nothing but a mindless killing machine.

"I got a call this morning from someone tipping us off that HYDRA were moving West." Tony began. "We leave in two hours, suit up. I want us to get there before they do."

"So we are going in without a properly structured plan?" Steve asked.

"The plan is- attack."

Steve signed.

"That's bullshit." Bucky yelled. "We could all die."

"Look Sarge, you either come- and help out the team because that's your job, or you stay here and complain about life while we are out fighting this bitch." Tony argued back.

Bucky wanted to fight. He wanted to take down HYDRA- he had lost so much and they didn't deserve to go on like this, taking innocents lives.

The two hours passed quickly, everyone got into their uniform, grabbed their weapons and loaded the jet. Bucky took a seat next to Steve and looked out the window sadly. This was the first time he had been on a mission without you in a while. The last mission he was on he had to pretend to be your husband, and he fucked that one up pretty bad didn't he. Even fake husbands aren't supposed to let their wives die.

"Steve what if she's innocent? Like me." Bucky asked, turning his thoughts back to the mission, back to the Winter Soldier. "What if she's just... brainwashed."

"I think she's a HYRDA agent, but if she's an innocent we will try our best to fix everything." Steve assured Bucky, patting his friend on the back.

"Strap in, idiots, we're about to take off." Tony ordered, settling himself into the pilot seat, with Nat as co-pilot.

Steve and Bucky strapped themselves in, ready to face the new Winter Soldier and HYDRA agents ahead of them.

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