chapter eleven

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"Steve. Do you copy?" You spoke.

"I copy." Steve said from the other line.

"We found the base." You replied.

Your lead has been correct, Jason Brown had led you right to where the Avengers had been looking for.

You sent Steve and Tony the coordinates so that they could meet up with you to break into the HYDRA base.

Everyone quickly arrived, Nat, Steve, Tony you and Bucky gathered and planned on how to get in.

"We get in. Get out." Tony ordered. "We will take the stuff back to America and then send in a field team tomorrow to destroy the base."

Everyone agreed and finished planning, you would all split up and enter from different locations. You and Bucky were taking the door from the back and everyone else would go through a side door.

You and Bucky made your way towards the door, avoiding the guards before you felt Bucky pull you towards a wall and stood behind it where no oke would see you, and put a hand over your mouth so you wouldn't make any noises.

"Look, Cat. I don't know what's gonna happen in here but incase something happens to me you need to know that-"

Bucky was cut off by you placing a finger slightly on his lips.

"Nothing is going to happen to you, Barnes. We are gonna get out of this... Together."

Bucky kissed your forehead softly and then you made your way inside. You had planned that you both would take the ground floor and everyone else would scout the floors above.

Bucky took out the guard with a swift punch to the head and walked inside.

Your heart broke for Bucky when you saw his face when you walked through the doors. The enclosed, damp corridors must have brought back bad memories for him, you squeezed his hand and kept walking down the corridor.

"BARNES!" You shouted, pointing into a room in the basement. "I found their lab."

The room was dirty, and had low ceilings. There was trays of different chemicals and more boxes test tubes than you could count. There was no windows and the grey metallic feel made it feel very enclosed and small, and in the centre of it all stood a table with four vials of blue liquid which you guessed was the supersoldier serum.

"You stay here, and lookout." You ordered Bucky, "I'll go and grab the serum and we get out of here."

Bucky agreed and stood outside, loaded gun in hand.

You slowly walked over to the table where the serum was and picked up one of the test tubes.

Suddenly the heavy metal door for the lab room slammed shut making you jump. You panicked, looking around for windows you could get out of before running over to the door and trying to pull it back open again. But it was no use, you were trapped.

"BARNES!" You yelled from the other side of the door. "I GOT THE SERUM BUT THE DOOR WONT OPEN."

Your breathing sped up, you felt trapped. You WHERE trapped, but this time it felt like the walls were closing in on you. They weren't, the floor space stayed the same- But you were claustrophobic, so everything felt worse than it already was.

From the other side of the door, Bucky was frantically hitting the door and pulling it with all the strength from his metal arm.

"It won't open!" He shouted, "I'm going to get backup!"

You ran back over to the door to try and get him not to leave, but by then he had already sprinted away.

Suddenly you heard a noise, it wasn't footsteps or the sound of your fast breaths, it was constant beeping.

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