chapter ten

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You and Bucky went to McDonalds for dinner. Neither of you were in the mood for a fancy dinner at the hotel, and neither of you were familiar with British food chains, so McDonalds felt the safest option.

"I've never been to London." You said, admiring the lit up streets and tall, iconic London architecture.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Bucky said, smiling to himself.

"Yeah. It is." You looked over at him and smiled. "Have you been before?"

Buckys smile faded. "Yeah. I have. Well... The Winter Soldier has- But I remember it all."

You placed an arm gently on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." You said softly.

"Don't be." He replied. "I'm here now, with you, it might be work related but I'm not complaining."

You blushed at the fact he mentioned you being here with him was the reason he was enjoying himself.

The two of you walked side by side along the road on the way back to the hotel, in silence but enjoying each other's company.

The part you enjoyed most on the walk back was when you walked closer to Bucky and your fingers brushed against each other. Bucky was in a 'now or never' sort of mood and took your hand in his. He looked down at you and smiled, you blushed and smiled back before walking the rest of the way back in silence, with the butterflies returning in your stomach.

Bucky and you had said your goodnights and went into your separate rooms. Bucky changed and lay in his bed, he had a million thoughts running through his head about everything that had happened to him today, about what happened with you.

After everything that had happened in his life due to being the Winter Soldier he never thought he would ever have the chance of a real relationship. But now, with you in his life, he was rethinking those thoughts. He liked you, he liked you a lot. But he didn't know how to tell you, and he didn't want to screw it up because this friendship he had brewing with you meant more to him than you could ever imagine.

He had wanted to kiss you, but the time never seemed right. He still held a grudge against Steve for walking in on you both a week ago, the time was right then, but not now.

"Hey, Barnes." You poked your head through the door, because your rooms had been booked together so the room key you had for your own room worked on Buckys.

"Cat?" Bucky asked, slightly worried. "Is everything okay?"

You stood in the doorway awkwardly, not knowing whether you should walk in or not.

"Uhm yeah, no, kinda?" You shrugged.

"Come in." He said.

You walked in and threw yourself on the bed next to him, and joined him staring at the ceiling.

"What's up?" He asked nicely.

You sighed. How did you word this?

"The people in the room next to me were LOUD." You squealed. "Y'know."

Bucky laughed. "Awkward."

You both returned to staring at the ceiling, nothing interesting just a plain, blank ceiling. You wished your mind was plain and blank, but it was far from it.

"What you thinking about?" You asked softly, breaking the slightly awkward silence.

"Me, you, us... everything." He replied.

"Us?" You joked, a slight smirk on your face, and turned to face Bucky.

"Our mission, don't get your hopes up, doll." He replied.

'Doll,' that was a new one, he hadn't called you that before, it made you blush and make your heart flutter.

"You look nice, Cat." He flirted, his signature smirk reappearing.

"I'm in my pyjamas." You rolled your eyes.

"I don't care, you look cute in disney pjs." Bucky smiled.

Oh god, did he just say that? He just said that. Embarrassment filled from his body from his head to his toes. He had to stop, you was his coworker, he couldn't flirt, it wasn't even flirting anymore, he was acting like you were his girlfriend.

Did you want to be his girlfriend? Maybe? Yes? Yes.

"I'm an extremely cute person, I know." You said sarcastically.

You both lay there, not looking at the ceiling anymore, but at each other. Your head lay on top of your hand which was resting on the fluffy feather pillows and Buckys ocean blue eyes were locked in yours.

You flashed back to that night one week ago, when you and Bucky had been seconds away from kissing before you were interrupted by Steve.

"Barnes," You started.


"I'm about to do something I'm probably gonna regret but-" You sat up straight, and Bucky followed.

"Not if I do it first, y/n." He smirked.

Bucky softly pressed his lips on yours and cupped your cheek in his hand. His other hand moved to stroke your hair and you moved yours to grip onto the back of your shirt.

The kiss was short and sweet and you pulled apart, both grinning like lovesick teenagers. That's what you felt like anyways, a lovesick teenager.

Bucky tucked a stand of your hair behind your ear and watched as you bit your lip, he had to hold back the urge to kiss you again because he thought you were already moving too fast. It was only a few weeks since you had befriended each other and now he was already acting like he had a schoolboy crush.

"The man, in the black suit." You pointed out. "On your left."

You and Bucky... Well 'Elizabeth and Charles Goodwin' sat in a coffee shop as part of the mission, disguised as a date. You were following a lead on a man called 'Jason Brown' who was believed to be behind the government laboratory robbery.

"Is that him?" Bucky asked.

He was holding your hand across the table and taking a sip out of his latte cup. Neither of you had talked about what your kiss last night meant, you both just knew that you had to get on with the mission and finish it successfully and take down the new HYDRA base.

"I think so." You replied.

The feeling of his hand on yours made your fingers tingle and your heart beat speed up.

Bucky felt the same, he loved that he had to act like your husband on this mission because it meant that he could show his affection and now much you meant to him without... Actually doing it.

He dreamt of the day he could take you on a date, hold you close while dancing to a slow song and take you for a walk along a beach before kissing you underneath the stars.

He hoped that day would come soon, he just wanted you, he needed you. It had taken him far too long to realise it.

"Come on." You said, "He's leaving we should follow him."

You grabbed Buckys hand and stealthily led him down the alleyway, keeping your eyes on the suspect.

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