chapter fifteen

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Authors note: Heyy!! I don't really do the authors note thing much, because you guys care about the story than reading this, but i was wondering- since this fic will be coming to an end soon, would you guys rather another Bucky x reader fic, or a Steve x reader fic: i have ideas for both!! let me know in the comments!! thank you!!

The jet landed in what looked to be an old farmyard. The walls of the farmhouse looked like they had collapsed, there was no doors on the barn and the windows were smashed, and the fields were empty, no animals grazing and everything completely overgrown.

Bucky shivered and his heart started racing. He had been here before. But not as Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier had been here before.

He remembered it as clear as day, he and HYDRA agents stormed the place. The animals quickly fled the scene, and the family who lived there tried to hide from him, but the Winter Soldier got there. The husband, and who he now assumed was the main farmer, had a shot gun. He fired at Bucky, well, the Winter Soldier, but the bullets bounced off of the protective gear HYDRA had dressed him in. Bucky let him shoot until there were no bullets left, then he killed them. It was a quick death. Afterwards HYDRA used this as a temporary base, hidden away from the rest of the world but abandoned it after a few weeks.

And now they were back.

"You doin' alright, pal?" Steve asked, ready to help out his best friend.

Bucky shivered, the sight of the abandoned farmyard bringing back awful memories of his torn past.

"Yeah." He replied. "We're all good here."

Bucky and Steve ran next to each other, setting the pace for the rest of the team. Tony and Sam flew behind and Nat and the others ran behind the boys.

The HYDRA agents filed out of a building on their left, shooting at them as they did so. Steve managed to block most bullets with his shield, but any that he missed Natasha and Bucky managed to dodge.

"On your left!" Sam shouted to Steve.

Steve turned to his left, and he seen a HYDRA agent running towards him, shooting with two pistols, one in each hand.

Steve hit the guns out of his hand with his shield, and knocked him out with a swift hit to the head.

Bucky shot three HYRDA agents running towards him, which he then had to jump over their bodies as they fell in the direction he was running in.

"Everyone okay?" Steve asks.

Everyone gathers behind a wall, out of view of all of the HYDRA agents and try to form a plan of attack. Bucky couldn't help but think that you would know exactly what to do in this situation. You would know exactly what to do in any situation, in his eyes- that's what made you so perfect.

The team spoke for as long as they could. Tony tried to hack into the security system in the base- and when he did, he caught glimpses of the new Winter Soldier heading out towards where they were currently standing.

Nat was quick to load her gun, and Clint grabbed another arrow- ready to shoot.

"Let's get this bitch." Tony said, lowering his iron man mask, ready to fight.

Bucky and Steve once again walked next to each other, marching in front of everyone else.

"We got this." Bucky said, glancing over to Steve.

"We sure do." He replied.

Your trigger words were spoken, your orders were given and you stormed out to fight.

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