Witch Hunt

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I kinda stole your idea at the beginning bxxt-xxcrackxx my apologies x



The phone on Brian's speaker couldn't handle Bert's overly loud and obnoxious drunk voice and it made the sound screechy and tatty. He pulls a face. Eyebrows knitting together.


Jesus. He rubs his temples and takes a few calming breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth, before finally acknowledging Bert McCracken just as the guy starts talking. "Duuuude!" Bert huffs. "I fuck'n know you there!"
"Jesus Bert. what's up?" Brian wasn't expecting Bert to call him at eleven pm but one things he's learn to to expect the unexpected with this spontaneous piece of shit. "I'm fucking working here." Even Bert's fucking band hadn't got a clue what his next move was so how was he meant to manage them?

He can hear Bert shuffling on his end of the phone. He sounds like he's smoking, he's definitely been drinking. "I gotta cancel a few shows next week." Bert says casually and Brian eyebrows raise. What the fuck. "Which shows?" Brian frowns.
"The ones next week."
Brain twist his head to the side and shakes his head really having to bite his tongue and not snap at Bert. "You've got five shows next week Bert. I kind of need you to be more Specific."
There's a some more shuffling on Bert's end of the phone again and brain tries not listen because he doesn't want to know. "All of them."
His eyes widen at that. "What!!?" He cries. "Bert. What the fuck do you need me to cancel five shows for?"
Clearly Bert was in no hurry to keep Brian in the loop because he's busy shuffling about again. He's really getting on Brian's nerves now. "I got some business to take care of..."
That makes Brian roll his eyes. "Okay. So, Ima presume this is Mafia related and your trying to not get killed by a hitman" his voice is dripping with sarcasm before becoming stern, "what business!?"
"Juussssstttt...." Bert burps loudly and a string of girly giggles follow. Brain puts his head in hands and sighs.
"-dooo it. Formeee!?" Bert's voice takes a sweeter pitch. "Mmee bertyboy." Not that brains knows this but Bert was pointing to himself ans jabbing himself in the chest with his finger as he said this. "I'm your favourite."

This was ridiculous and Brian couldn't get his head round the situation. "I'll need a genuine reason to cancel five shows." He dead pans down the phone to the front man.
It falls quiet again and it's like Brian could hear Bert's alcohol soaked brain trying to come up with an excuse. "I need to get my nuts checked." Bert tries.
"For five days?...yeah. I don't think so." Brian wasn't buying it not a chance. "Nice try."
"Juuuusst canceeeeeel?" Bert groans over dramatically.  "...the shooows!"
"This hasn't gotten anything to do with Gerard has it?" Brain asks suspiciously. Bert's quiet on the other end of the phone. "You know...like how your going on different tours next week?" He pushes, it hadn't gone unnoticed how Bert's attitude had significantly dropped since the mention of the My Chemical Romance boys not being so close.

Bert lets out a tiny giggle that Brian just hears faintly. He rolls his eyes again, "you know, if you said it was because you weren't feeling well again I might've been more inclined to cancel those shows." Brian says casually. "Really don't want to hear you collapse on stage again." It hadn't even clicked. Total brain fart, it was so obvious Bert was wasted right now and Bert's recovering from acute pancreatitis...the information just hasn't merge until it finally did. "Have you been drinking, Bert?" He asks suddenly a little alarmed. Bert's end of the call erupts with the cheekiest of giggles a very quick and cut off "whatareyougonnadoo?!-" and the call ended. Bert had hung up.


Almost as soon as Bert had hung up on Brian the sliding door opens and floods in a load of light in the dark where bert had been and in stepped Quinn. Bert squints at him, wincing at the new warm light.
"What are you hiding from?" Quinn jokes and flicks on the light making bert wince a bit and squint until his eyes adjust. "Did radio fart?" Quinn laughs.
"Dude." Bert looks at Quinn likes he's an idiot. "Why would radio be on the party bus?" He points out and takes a careful sip from his beer as he watches Quinn closely. "—Brany-bum would rather cut his nuts off! Ha!!" He does it in full view of Quinn too, playing with matches. He knows full well he shouldn't be drinking. He was recommended by the hospital to wait at least six to eight months before drinking again. He's made it to the seventh month.

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